25 July 2011

Pig Pen

Here is a bit of terrain I have been working on for awhile - a rustic style pig pen for my Dark Ages village.  The wattle style fences are metal by GB, the pig pen is scratch built by me.  Its made from coffee stirrers/icy-pole sticks, suitably cut up and distressed, The roof is removable roof and its all based on a mdf coaster (from Bunnings) which is becoming my standard size for basing small buildings and the like.  I was going to fill up the other corner with other farm style refuse but decided I liked the space in the end.  Now to obtain some pigs - to the Boats!


  1. Very nice Paul. The pen looks really cool. I'm looking at animals from America at present for my Vikings to raid. Exchange rate is pretty good with the Kiwi right now.

  2. That's a lovely pig pen! ... Never thought I'd hear myself say that, but it's true. :)

  3. It's a quality piece, looks like Ray's man cave.

  4. I should have put the drunk and passed out Viking fig in there then!

    cheers all

  5. Very nicely done it will add some good atmosphere to your gaming table

  6. Make a lot of them..line them up and it could be the begginings of Sty-Row on the Fome...:-D
    Like it..especially the removable roof!!
    What type of porkers are you going to have..glouchester old spots?

  7. Great work. I just discovered your blog and I am loving the inspirational work! :) Loads of cool stuff for my tiny Saxon band.

  8. Hi, I found some pigs in ebay. Maybe you can use then: http://cgi.ebay.com/MEM-40002-Pigs-x-10-miniatures-25mm-Animals-Villagers-/8749438506?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20981d62a#ht_500wt_1127
    Copy and paste the link. If it doesn't work, send me an email and you try to send you.
    Great work!

  9. Excellent pig sty!! Fran's right though, it does look like my Mancave, although yours doesn't have 2 pink bikes, 7 bags of boot fair clothes, several bags of the Mrs' old shoes, again for a boot fair, piles of other various crap that shouldn't really be in there and No room for my fat arse to sit in it and paint!! (phew, glad I got all that off my chest??)

  10. Railroad models are a good source of farm animals:



  11. Thanks for those links gents!

    Ray = you owe me for the therapy!

  12. I built a pig pen myself after seeing yours!


  13. Very nice pig pen but where's the pork? ;)
