27 July 2011

Furrowed Field & Hamlet

I've seen a few of these about in recent weeks, and thought I'd have a crack at making my own. Its based on corrugated cardboard PVA glued onto another mdf coaster, and a bunch of routine flock/sand/dirt effects added.  Overall it ended up looking far more overgrown than I had intended, but it fits the bill for what I was after.  The next one might be a bit better tendered by Farmer Maggot & friends though.

Here it all comes together as a small Saxon hamlet, comprising of all my recent terrain additions, some low stone walls and the hovels I made awhile ago.


  1. Hi

    Looks very nice, good work with your willage, I realy like all the extras that don´t have a vital part in the combat but adds flavor to the gaming board.

    Best regards Dalauppror

  2. Very nice, that sure is a great looking village, just ripe enough for some pillaging!!

  3. Paul, you are on a roll with your terrain. I must admit to being a little jealous :)

    That set up looks great!!

  4. It's all coming together nicely. About time for some drunken Vikings to come along and ruin everyone's day!

  5. Damn your scenery is amazing. If only I had the time... and the patience.

  6. very nice village. Ready to be visited by some touring Vikings

  7. A pillaging we will go, lazy farmers though.

  8. Very very nice Paul. You are making me want to make more myself now. Thanks a lot.

  9. Very good indeed!



  10. Very nice, will try my hand at making this for my scenery. I've learned a lot from your blog! Making an Irish ring-fort village of my own. All from scratch. Some things have worked, others not.

  11. some nice additions to your scenics - love the ploughed field.

    -- Allan
