27 March 2012

Gunship: First Strike on final countdown

I posted last month about a cool looking new game called Gunship: First Strike (http://tasmancave.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/gunship-first-strike.html).  Since then it has smashed all requirements for production and met every stretch goal.  You still have a few days to get in on this one and get all the startup goodies: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1291246114/gunship-first-strike

I'm really impressed with the way the designer Steve Wood has been responsive to input and feedback, in the production of what is clearly a labour of love.  He has great plans for developing the game with community input and is releasing a free campaign system to go with it. see here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1291246114/gunship-first-strike/posts/195894

Only 3 days to go - you know you want to!


  1. Dammit I'd hope to have forgotten this by now!

  2. Got in a game of this last week, it was a lot of fun! I guess I should post something before the kickstarter deadline is up.
