26 March 2011

Six Stages of Drinking as told by Vikings

I loved this so much I just had to get the figs (by Wargames Foundry). Not sure what  I'll do with them gaming wise mind you...
Having a beer and a snack
Having a Beer and a snack
Stage 1. After a long day, Björn has his dinner. And what goes better with a turkey leg than beer?

Telling a tall tale
Telling a tall tale

Stage 2. Magnhild has had her dinner. And a few beers. Now Magnhild is telling that famous story of the time she defeated seven enemies in combat. Of course it is a long tale, so she needs more beer.

Seeking a partner
Stage 3. Halvor and Ingriðr have had dinner and a few beers. They've told a few stories and had a few more beers. Now they seek each other's comfort and a hug and a kiss. Beer: helping people get lucky since 876.

Chugging too many
Chugging too many
 Stage 4. Ketilriðr has had dinner and a few beers. He told a few stories had a few beers, and some admirers have given him some hugs and kisses. Ketilriðr doesn't really need any more beer, but he is convinced this is the best thing to do, so he chugs off a bucket to slake his thirst.

Passing out
Passing out

 Stage 5. Roald has had dinner and a few beers. He told a few stories, had some hugs and kisses, and chugged off a bucket to slake his thirst. Now Roald has passed out and is visiting the land of Nod.

Doing it again the next night
Doing it again the next night

Stage 6. Here we are the next night, starting it all over again. 

from:  http://www.io.com/~beckerdo/games/articles/VikingDrinkers/index.html


  1. hahaha good stuff, I think I've done the pass out stage before.

  2. Nice figures and story, used to have figures like those:D

  3. Me too Extraordinarii!

    Indeed you did Lurker, and a warm welcome they will have in my mead hall!

  4. The grand life of a viking. Great looking figures.

  5. nice little story and those figs are superb

    -- Allan
