16 March 2011

Review: Well Set

I recently purchased an Architects of War Well S (G-02) from Elite Miniatures Australia.  This is what I thought of it after making it over the weekend.

What you get
The base with the well is all one piece resin with very nice detailing.  The other components are in white metal - the uprights and cross piece are all one, the two buckets, the pulley and the ladle are all separate.  A bit of string is included to make the bucket rope (a nice touch).  The components were crisply cast with excellent detail, no flash, minimal molding lines and no discernible bubbles in the resin base.  The packaging was excellent and ensured no damage to the components.

The front of the well - just realised I hadnt put on the second bucket and rope at this point.

Construction & Painting
The components slotted together very crisply into pre-drilled holes and minimal preparation was required.  I fitted the pulley, but painted everything else separately prior to assembly.

For the base, I undercoated in grey primer, then gave a base coast of codex grey and a deep grey wash.  A drybrush with Codex Grey and then Elf grey finished off the stonework.  For the other components, woodwork I undercoated in black, base coasted in dark brown, washed with Badab Black and then drybrushed with Scortched Brown.  After painting, assembly was quick and simple.  I then added some flock and silfour tufts and it was done, ready to go.  Overall I really enjoyed painting this.

I think this is a great piece of terrain, applicable to many time periods from ancients to moderns. Its bigger than I thought it would be, but that makes it a useful piece of terrain rather than just fluff on the table.  I'm glad I got it and highly recommend it


  1. As you said that will work with ancients up to modern day especially in my homeland of Ireland, nice work on that though, good paintjob.

  2. Looks good mate. I could use one of those.

  3. Thanks fellahs, appreciated!

    Biff - worked on this and a few other bits over about 2 days, amongst other outings and so forth. Actual brush time was pretty quick, its the drying that takes time!

  4. Must of missed this one????? Nice job with a great piece of kit!

  5. this is awesome. i've always liked products from their line. great job and i definitely need this for my village.
