19 February 2014

Mega Bolt Action Game: German End Game

With the main British thrust towards the ruined cathedral now clearly evident, the 21st Panzer Division was committed to the German right flank. The PzIV-H swept around in an outflanking manoeuvre to surprise the British , but poor navigation in the winding French roads meant they couldn't find the right turn off, and failed to enter for the last two turns of the game! The two remaining veteran infantry squads however didn't need roads (or directions), and moved in from the right flank to reinforce the cathedral. One squad became engaged whilst crossing the orchard with the Brit paras moving up, whilst the other made it into the ruins unopposed.

Spotting round! Fortunately no casualties, but an omen of what to come

Jabos!!! The Brit Fighter bomb strafes the Tiger with little effect, except 4 pins....

Meanwhile, on the German left flank, the Sturmpionieres set fire to the Manor house, driving out the Brit para squad inside and setting the whole house on fire. One way to secure an objective.....

Tiger had a crack at the Churchill, but although the shot hit, it failed to penetrate and merely stunned the British crew....

And that concludes our 6000 point Bolt Action after action reports - we hope you've enjoyed the differing perspectives of the battle from either side of the table!


  1. Very enjoyable reports and wonderful photos guys! Looks awesome!

  2. Nice report was it a draw in the end?

  3. Indeed it was a draw, one objective held each and one burnt down....

  4. I seem to recall it was one held by the British, one contested and one burnt down... :-)

  5. Thanks for the great battle report ! :)

  6. True, but as the Germans started with that contested Objective, it counted as German at game end..:-)

  7. Great photos and battle report. You've inspired me to crack on with my Bolt Action Japanese.

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