02 December 2013

Saga.....in 15mm

I blame Paul.Completely. There I was, innocently getting into Bolt Action, when Paul returns and introduces me to Saga....sigh....I ,of course, showing the iron resolve of a Welsh levy attacked from behind by a Dane Axe-wielding Huscarl , immediately bought into the system.....
And now, rulebook read and my axe hand getting itchy, I waited impatiently for Paul to return to have our first game....to no avail....but wait! What do I find in the dark corners of the GarageCave ? My long stored 15mm ancient figures I had collected in preparation for Fields of Glory....generic brightly dressed barbarian hordes, and drab axe wielding Viking/Goth look alikes....
And so my Welsh and Anglo-Dane 15mm Saga armies are born....
The dreaded Welsh
The mighty Anglo-Danes

I went with two identical 6 pt armies for each, to highlight the national abilities of the two races....
So that meant warlord, 3 units of Hearthguard, 2 warrior and 1 levy each. One unit of Welsh warriors were mounted, mainly so I could see what mounted troops do under this rule set, and all the AD Hearthguard carried two handed axes......
The two armies lined up for a Clash of the Warlords, with the Welsh placing their levies and mounted warriors on opposite flanks.
The Danes put both large units of Warriors on the opposite flank to the mounted Welsh, and sent all their Hearthguard to the left flank opposite the nervous looking Welsh levies.....the Dane bowman took up a central position with the crops in front to protect against charges...
I won't give a blow by blow, but will highlight the engagements as they happened...
Firstly, the Welsh mounted Warriors charged straight into the Danish Warrior on the Danish right flank....losing one stand thanks to efficient use of the SHieldwall ability, the mounted Welsh had to retreat, preferring to snipe with their javelins after that....
On the left flank, the Welsh levies moved into range and loosed javelins into the approaching Danish Hearthguard...but to no effect, and the Danish axe wielding..Danes...crashed into the lightly armed and slightly miffed Welsh....killing 7 stands and sending the remaining 5 stands reeling.....
The other Anglo Danish warriors charged into the Welsh foot soldiers, and both sides lost a stand, forcing both to retreat..
The Welsh counter attacked with their Hearthguard, smacking into the Danish Huscarls from the flank and killing two stands, despite the Shieldwall.
After inconclusive engagements on either flank, the Welsh warlord moved up with a unit of Hearthguard to take the fight to the Anglo-Danish Warlord....he wasn't disappointed, as in the next AD turn, the Danish Warlord moved up to within striking distance of his nemesis, accompanied on either side by loyal Huscarls...
Using the Determination rule and We obey, the AD Warlord charged straight into the Welsh warlord, together with one unit of Huscarls into the flank...
Both Warlords scored 3 hits on the other, and their axes swung down onto each other's heads simultaneously, saving 1 but failing to save the two fatal blows required to save a Warlord...a Draw!!

Love this system, although I do find the close combat less deadly and more 'hit and run' compared to nearly every other game system I know....the signature Battle Board system is great, although I failed to utilise the Anglo Danish Noble lineage skill at all, and never rolled a Helmet (a 6) which could have unlocked some cool abilities...
quick and dirty, I really like it as a 15mm game, visually pleasing, simple system with clever use of fatigue allowing the opponent to 'spend' your fatigue to either advantage them or disadvantage you...sounds like the same thing but is actually subtly different...
Looking forward to giving Paul a run! :-)


  1. I like the multibasing, it looks more like a battle! Also, welcome to Saga, bwa-ha-ha...

  2. Mu cunning plan comes to fruition - Bwahahaha!
    I agree, that looks awesome in 15mm with 1 base=1fig.

    Looking forward to our first game together soonest!

  3. The "first one is free" as they say mate. Good luck stopping now you've started ;-)

  4. Must admit I am getting rather intrigued by SAGA... I have some Foundry Saxons to sort out into a small starting force, once I get round to it...

  5. Saga. It's an excellent game.
    Looks great in 15mm.

  6. SAGA in 15mm. Look fantastic.

  7. I have to agree with the fact that Saga in 15mm looks awesome! Very Inspiring.
