If you would like another perspective, Eleven-Bravo has just posted another review of this model here: http://www.eleven-bravo.co.uk/reviews/figures/gomi/pacv.php

EDIT: Since the Eleven-Bravo site has since closed, here is he review in its entirety:
Gomi Designs 15mm PACV (Patrol Air Cushion Vehicle)
If, like me, you play your Vietnam wargames in 15mm, you don't need to be told that we have been poorly served when it comes to obtaining models suitable for re-enacting riverine warfare. This is fascinating aspects of the war and one that adds a new dimension to the usual search & destroy missions. Ever since Firebase Games disappeared from the scene a few years back, the only way to obtain any models in 15mm was to make them yourself. Given the richness and diversity of the monitors, landing craft and patrol vessels used during the war, this deficit is surprising. Peter Pig fortunately produces a PBR Mk2 to compliment their Vietnam range, but that is it as far as I'm aware. However, things look like they are about to change as there is a (relatively) new kid on the block - Gomi Designs.I accidentally came across Gomi recently whilst searching on The Miniatures page. Gomi Designs is a small company formed by Tim Parnell, his brother and their friend, Dave Garnham. To quote from the notes found on the planned rules section of their website, the idea behind the company is to "publish materials that gamers like us would want to buy [and] could afford to try…". Basically, in addition to publishing some rule sets as time goes on, they are also looking to fill the gaps in other manufacturers' ranges by releasing complimentary models.
Apart from some unique WW1 models, what is of interest to readers of this forum will be the Vietnam era vessels; in particular, the troop-carrying ATC, the two monitors and the PACV (Patrol Air Cushion Vehicle), commonly known as a hovercraft. The latter is a 4.5 inch long, 3 inch wide resin model and comes with 9 additional pewter white metal fittings. As can be seen from the photo, they fit together very well and it is very straightforward to assemble. One very minor irritant, though, was that the propeller blades can be a touch fragile and I broke one whilst filing the flash despite taking a lot of care. Fortunately, it could be repaired very easily and doesn't notice once painted. The resin hull itself was cleanly cast and there were no bubbles or chips on my example; something that is so often found on models using this material.
At £8.99 plus £2.50 postage, the price is slightly high although reasonable given that Gomi is a new company trying to find its market. There were only ever 6 of these craft deployed in Vietnam, so it is certainly a bit of a niche model, but one that I feel will become a 'must have'. Comments posted on the Net suggest that there are also science fiction possibilities for the PACV too.