25 August 2017

28mm Winston Churchill

Normally when I get a special release figure it gets 2 mins of examination before being added to the lead pile, and thats what happened with Warlord Winston here when he arrived with my OPERATION SEALION book.  Then the other week we played the Capture Churchill scenario using Herr Flick of the Gestapo (see here) and a discussion on how to paint pin stripes ensued.  The challenge was on!

German leaflet "Sniper"
The figure is based on this iconic photo of Winston while visiting defences in Hartlepool on 21 July 1940.

Reputedly, the Tommy Gun was Winston's favourite weapon of all time.

The image was used by propagandists on both sides and clearly endures today.

Anyhow, here is my homage to the great man.  I think the trick with patterns like pinstripes or camo is not to copy it exactly but to give the impression. So less and neater stripes was likely to work better than lots of very thin one.

I went with a Black undercoat, dry brush with GW Skavenblight Dinge and then applied the stripes in GW Codex Grey.  I started with a thin brush but found it was easier to use a slightly larger one and do each stripe in one continuous stroke.

Overall, it works well but is one of those schemes that looks better at a distance than up close. The black lipped based helps tie in all the dark colours, as does the white flowers on the base, and I finished off with a glowing cigar end for a small splash of colour.

But is this the PM or Actor/Impersonator George Fowler sent to decoy Colonel Stenier?
Ether way he 'will fight them on the beaches'...


  1. I need that figure in 15mm as the general in a Weird WWII British HOTT army :)

  2. Well done Paul, I was just looking at mine the other day and thinking about this very same problem, which is why he ended up back in the box and I started playing with my shiny new Start Wars toys! :D

    1. Thanks Michael - I know yours will blow mine out of the water when you get to it.
      But in the meantime I'm very happy with him!

  3. it is a nice figure. I wonder why you cannot but Winston Churchill in 20mm? (That would suit me better)

  4. Stripes always make me shudder and I typically avoid them. Winston looks amazing mate and it's tempting me to have another go.

    1. Thanks mate I took it on as a challenge and am very happy with the result.
      It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be once I thought out the painting strategy carefully

  5. Well done indeed Paul! The pin stripes are excellent.

  6. A superb figure - I can even smell the cigar smoke over here in the states

  7. Poke great! Didn't realise that picture was from Hartlepool - just up the road from me!

    1. Really? Thats a neat connection. Good chatting today mate

  8. That's a fantastic example of 'giving the impression' with freehand painting. Great stuff.

    Churchill seemed to be up to speed with the latest in firearms technology, wasn't he? Seem to recall he had a C96 in the Sudan because of an arm injury.

  9. Great painting- thanks for the tips on pin strip too- useful for when I tackle some gangsters I've got waiting.



  10. A very nice hommage, love the impressive stripes...

  11. Cracking job Paul.

    Mind are we sure it's really not the ne'er do well Ray Roussell in his guise as "The Badger"?

    1. Thanks Mr D and yes, that is an excellent point :-D

  12. Glad to see you got this figure done with a minimum of blood, toil, tears and sweat!

  13. Excellent job Paul. Have you seen some of the Stoessi's Heroes figures they would be right up your street. http://stoessisheroes.com/

  14. Thanks Simon! Yes SH make some fantastic figures. I particularly love their historical characters like the British Airborne LT with a chicken :-)
