22 February 2017

AHPC VII 'West' Bonus Round: Centurion Alanus

Presenting Centurion Alanus, Defender of Western Civilisation, Britannia, 1st Century AD.

This is a special edition Warlord model which was came with the pre-order of Hail Caesar, back in July 2011.  I traded the rulebook long ago, but kept the model because I think its a great sculpt- I just didn't have an Army for him to lead!  

I am really happy with how he came out, and think the skin tones and colour contrasts look much better in real life.

A little present for the Dux, complete with his initials emblazoned on the shield: enjoy mate :-) 

You can see this entry at the AHPC blog here:


  1. What a splendid entry Paul, cracking work Sir.

  2. A lovely piece of work there. Great base.

  3. Awesome work! You could also have gone with Dominic West who played General Titus Flavius Virilus in the Centurion movie ;)

  4. I have the fig buried somewhere in the lead pile. Great fig...and you've done a lovely job on him!

  5. I love this figure - he has pride of place in my Roman army also. Excellent work on the shield.
