07 February 2017

AHPC VII: 'Home Terrain' Bonus Round: Hearth and Home on the Ohio River

Presenting a frontier log cabin and its defenders for our French Indian War campaign:  
Protecting Hearth and Home against a War Party

The Ohio River valley is rugged place where settlers carve out their lives the hard way.  It's a tough existence and every cabin needs protection from raiders, thieves and worse.  So in addition to the homestead, there are six stout defenders (figs by Galloping Major: pack FIW AAC 3 "Settlers Defending 3: Command and Characters).  Even the Parson needs to take up arms to defend his flock, but my favourite is the balding shopkeeper with the blunderbuss (Indian figures are not part of this round and were previously submitted).

I initially painted this Old Gory resin cabin with a grey, weathered look and while that was realistic it was a bit boring.  I have also been trying to put more colour on my tabletop lately; too many of my figures are drab greys, browns and greens.  So I stripped and repainted it as a more recently built cabin with freshly split shingles and newly hewn logs.  I’m glad I did and like the brighter overall look.  I also added a few sacks, barrels and to homewares from my bits box to give it a lived in feel.
The cabin has a removable roof and the interior has simple but nice detail which I have done in a worn, used style.  I have some furniture but left them out to make it more useable for gaming.  There is only the single door but each side has 1 or more windows from which to present defensive musketry.

Overall a fun and satisfying project to add some needed FIW terrain to our table, and added an Armed Civilians unit to my Sharp Practice 2 force. Thanks to Alan for the donation of those figures (they only took 5 months to paint up mate!)
"To Arms! To Arms!"

This entry can be found at the AHPC bonus rounds blog here:


  1. I thought this was a cracking piece of work Paul, nicely done Sir.

  2. Wonderful, inside and outside...

  3. Really cool Paul. Great work!

  4. Very interesting models, and some great pictures as well. (Don't let Kieran find out - he's planning FIW for our next Supercampaign!

  5. lovely model, you made a good call by repainting it in brighter colours.
    I also approve of the representative of the church militant. :)
