06 January 2014

An Awesome time!

The lad and I got back late last night from our NZ adventure at their 20th Scout Jamboree.  What a fantastic time we had there, especially the very friendly people and wonderful terrain.  We enjoyed all sorts of scouty activities and generally had a ball.  This was my 9th trip to the Land of the Long White Cloud, and there are many more to come I'm sure!  Thanks for a great time Kiwis, you have a beautiful country  :-D
Survivors of the dreaded "Challenge Valley"! (post hosing off - those shirts were once white)
In the meantime, I've come home to find that the Dux has indeed taken advantage of my Community Service time to paint like a demon and take a large lead over me in the Painting Challenge.  Naturally , any points earned in this period are considered null and void...
The 250+ odd strong Australian contingent to the NZ Jamboree - outstanding fellows and Scouts one and all!


  1. How come the lad looks a fresh as a daisy and Dad looks like he's been dragged backwards through a hedge.......twice!

    1. Because the Dad ran around herding the stragglers!

  2. Glad you had a fun time in our beautiful land!
