01 January 2021

AHPC XI: Caesarian Romans (I)

First day of a new year and so the first units of a new project: Caesarian Romans for Infamy Infamy. Alan is also doing some late Republic Romans, Comrade James has both Germans and Romans, and Reilly is working on some Celts too. Between us we can do the Conquest of Gaul, Invasions of Germania, raids on Britannia, and the Civil Wars which resulted in the founding of the Empire under the deified Augustus. Should be a hoot.

These are my first two units, each of 8 figures, saboted on Renedra 20mm square bases so I can rank them up for other games such as WAB, Soldiers of Rome or Impetus. I've done these deliberately NOT in red - the horror! I donk think our idea of thousands of identical looking Roman soldiers is very accurate, so it's a good excuse to bring some more colour to the tabletop! 

Shield stickers by LBM, my first time using them - found them rather daunting and fiddly but they look the business. The distinctive shields will distinguish them from my main legion force, so they can be veterans, recruits or auxilia.

These 16 proud soldiers of Rome net me 80 points for the Challenge.


Modelling notes

Black Undercoat

Tunics - Vallejo (Panzer Aces) Highlight British Tankcrew, GW Reikland Flashshade wash, GW Ushabti Bone highlight

Flesh: AP Barbarian Flesh, GW Reikland Flashshade wash, highlight with basecoat

Chainmail: AP Gunmetal

Helmets and brasswork - GW Retributor armour

Leather and shield backs: AP Leather Brown


  1. Great stuff Paul,

    I do like Caesarian Romans!


  2. Lovely work on these Paul, they are very vibrant.

    1. Thanks Paul - I made a deliberate decision a few years ago to put more colour on the table, even at the expense of 'gritty realism'. In any event I suspect these guys are proud to be Roman and want everyone to see :-)
