30 January 2021

AHPC XI: Khorngors

After some solid Challenge productivity in quarantine, progress slowed when Mrs Man Cave checked for secret doors in the Chambers of Challenge. A mystery staircase went up to the hitherto unknown location: The Balcony of Domestic Distraction!  Cue the requested significant sanding, repainting etc With that out of the way, I got back to more entertaining scales of re-modelling :-)

Back in the day, hearty Beastmen Gor warriors could be given different marks of Chaos. Many know the erstwhile Pestigor (who also make fair Blood Bowl players on Nurgle teams) but those who follow the Blood God are known as Khorngors.

The Khorngor models were removed from production back in 4th or 5th edition so it took me a few years to collect enough of these metal figures to complete a full unit of 20 (including Command characters) but finally here they are in all their Oldhammer glory.

These will be one of the 3 elite troop units in my army, being screened into contact by the supporting hordes where they will (I hope) hit like a truck. Lets see how that goes.

In addition to the points these earn me, they boast an impressive number of skullz - as you would expect for followers of Khorne. In fact there are 127 of them amongst them!

Blood for the Blood God!


  1. Yeah, they look like heavy hitters with their enormous cleavers and chainmail; intimidating looking unit.

  2. Very nice work on these Old Hammer miniatures. cheers
