30 March 2019

AHPC IX Reflections - Part 2: Submission Summary

A last review of my AHPC 9 productivity to close out the month and move on.  Naturally, some of the figs I planned to paint never moved forward while others dropped into the production line along the way.  Regardless, I'm quite pleased with my output, finishing a large project (15mm DAK), a medium one (Romanised Orcs) and putting the finishing touches to another (SAGA Irish)

The Orci Invicti - minus the ones I did before the Challenge
It was fun to paint up my Nautilus from Nemo's War - sadly it was my only contribution to the naval side challenge though!

A party of figures for use with Congo:

I was also pleased to complete all the Bonus Rounds, as well as get an entry for Sarah's choice and complete my Curtgeld.

My Jeanne d'Arc submission for Sarah's choice received an Honourable mention
This would have to be my most amusing entry:

And so au revoir AHPC - Season IX was as good as ever. Thanks again to all the challengers for making it such fun, and of course Snowlord Curt and Lady Sarah for putting this wonderful event on for us all.  Looking forward to seeing what Season X brings!


  1. Great to be a part of it with you! Bring on X!

  2. You had such a great challenge Paul, wonderful job Sir!

  3. A wonderful challenge retrospective Paul. So much to admire in your submissions this year. Sarah particularly liked your Joan entry and I forgot how much I enjoyed your turquoise Nautilus. Fab work!

    1. Thanks indeed Snowlord!
      Looking forward already to AHPC X :-)
