25 December 2018

AHPC IX sets sail in the Nautilus!

Its finally here - AHPC Season 9 has begun! This year I wanted to submit an entry in the opening 24hrs. Naturally, I went with a relatively simple model: the central playing piece from VPG's solo boardgame Nemo's War:

I am a long time fan of Captain No-one and have been intrigued at the different ways he has been portrayed over the years.  In this very enjoyable game his technological marvel has been given a artistic makeover and I wanted to give it due tip 'o the hat.

I eschewed the traditional metallic and iron grey and instead adopted the serene underwater hues that this more organic looking Nautilus would acquire in her natural element beneath the waves...

VPG's artwork for Nemo's War
My Nautilus is also my opening salvo in the Naval themed side duel, "Engage the Enemy More Closely!"  So I am off the mark - only 998 more points to go!