27 December 2017

2017 Reflections

Time for another reflective post on my hobby year - seems this is the 8th time I have self indulged in this manner.  In terms of playing I would put this year right up there for consistency of playing and number of games played.  In terms of hobby and painting I firmly believe 2017 was the most productive I have ever had.

Starting with AHPC VII, I cracked a personal best of 1200 points (my former record was 850) and while the pace slowed a little I never stopped painting afterwards.  Amongst other bits 'n bobs, this year I have built a Dragon Rampant Army, a FIW British Army, bolstered my WW2 Brits and painted some Weird WW2 stuff - all in 28mm
My AHPC VII output: a personal best
This year at our Odin's Night gaming club we've played quite regularly (usually weekly), and had some big battle days and multi-player games. My FIW games with Alan earlier in the year were a particular highlight:
My British Regulars in action!
British Infantry advance...
...under the watchful eye of their Commander! (I think this is probably my best painting ever)
...as were Patrol level Bolt Action games (particularly the smaller Patrol scenarios from OP SEALION) and lots of Dragon Rampant - all of which inspired more painting throughout the year.
Herr Flick interrogates General Urquart!
Squadron Leader "Topper" Redfern, RAF
Winston ready for Action!
1st Leichestershire Scout Group at the Bexhill-on-Sea Jamboree
Angry Dwarves assault a fortified city!
Trolls! One of my most fun units to paint ever!
6mm ECW action with Barqoue
I also rediscovered Colonial gaming by unearthing my Anglo-Zulu collection which had been buried for 23 odd years and then popped it back to the table for some very enjoyable games

In terms of Cons, I went to CanCon (Jan), MOAB (Oct) and Little Wars (Nov) - didn't play at any of them but enjoyed all the socials and of course bought lots of treasures :-)
Unfortunately I wont be able to make it to CanCon 18
As always, the best bit was sharing it all with mates:

2018 will see a dramatic shift in my hobby routines due to life changes and going back to sea.
Will be interesting to see what I am able to achieve in between, though I have a few project ideas up my sleeve of course :-)

May 2018 bring you all lots of hobby happiness!


  1. Same to you, Paul! It was great following your blog. Very inspirational stuff here! Let's see some Battlegroup in 2018 now!!

    1. Funnily enough Alan and I are starting The Last Line campaign from BG: Barbarossa immediately after NYE!
      My Russians will have a star leader in Comrade Commander Stepan Patrovitch!

  2. Seems like you had a great year! Have a great 2018!

  3. Awesome year. Hope 2018 is just as good!

  4. Congratulations! May 2018 continue the trend.

  5. A very productive 2017. Remember that flight decks can be turned into gaming areas be resourceful commanders

  6. It has been an absolutely stonking great pile of fun playing many games, enjoying many beverages and spending hours chatting about life, the universe and what kickstarter Dave or Alan is convincing us all to back this year. More importantly, friendships away from gaming have been made and maintained. Thank you for the fun my friend.

  7. What an impressive selection of work to show from 2017. Here's to next year - and good luck being back on the waves!

  8. I never get tired of seeing those trolls. Just awesome work mate.

    Regards the "Odin's Night gaming club". Still waiting for an invite [whistles]... :-)

  9. Looks like you had a great year! Safe travels on the high seas!

  10. great 2017 review! I am sooo jealous of all the gaming you have been involved in have a good 2018!
