09 September 2023

Father's Days Blood Bowl

Father's Day in Australia is in September, and both Comrade James and I have traditional grudge matches with our offspring on this important weekend of family machismo!

In Sydney this year, Reilly and I got some DungeonBowl on with DeathMath twists!

Loved the MVP Wandering Werewolf - somehow the teleporter in that room just sucked everyone in!

Somehow, I managed to leap a Gutter Runner around the Guardian Ogres and squeek over the line (get it?! - Dad jokes are legal for Father's Day)  to claim the first ever Father's Day win by this Dad,.

Meanwhile, in another State, James threw down with some Blood Bowl Team Manager with 2 of his progeny


  1. That DB game does look cool on the table, specially with such nicely painted minis! I really should open the box of mine, and get some fresh air on it (maybe some games too...). Congrats for the quality time, and for the Dad jokes! ;-)

    1. Thank mate! DB is quite a different game, but with the same mayhem.
      Looking forward to trying out StreetBowl next! :-)
