27 December 2022

AHPC XIII: Last War Trenchers

The Living will Envy the Dead...

The battleground of the Last War is inhabited by the despairing, entirely without hope. Former causes have now been extinguished by an endless struggle for pointless survival. Equipped with the failing relics of industry produced by once proud nations, these scavengers now scrap over the dwindling remains of this once proud world...

I enjoyed making this base and the mysterious signage...

The Last War system has players controlling small bands (5-6 figs) of Trench fighters in narrative style scenarios to fight battlefield horrors in a desperate bid to win resources to enable their continued existence. Encounters can be head to head, coop, or solo, which provides a lot of great play options.

Posed in front of the pdf rules cover

My first trenchers are styled after the Kaiser's army but now reduced to desperate survivors.Models are by Knucklebones miniatures and I have added some extra bits (stick grenades, Grenade satchel, backpack, trench shield) to customise them. The dog came from another sculptor on 3dcults.

I've painted them in a thematically Grimdark style, experimenting with adding textures and using some Abteilung 502 oil washes.  I also spent far more time than usual scratch building each base and liberally applied Vallejo water gel effects to give it all a sodden, miserable vibe.  

The glow from the gasmask lenses and complete lack of visible flesh tries to convey their devolution and reduced humanity. But I could be overthinking it.  On the bright side, they have a puppy to keep their spirits up! ('Trench companions' play a valuable role in the game).

Love the tattered rags adorning these models

In their bunker they have a damaged pianola, salvaged from a long destroyed Chateau and now haunted by a powerful but unknown spirit.  And if one wishes to hear it play, homage must be paid to the duck with the curiously bleeding eyes inside its rasping gasmask...  (Piano also by Knucklebones)

Yes, in my obsessive madness I painted each of those keys individually...

I had a lot of fun obsessing over these models, so yes it was (yet) another of those 'sweat all the details well beyond any points efficiency which is irrelevant' projects :-)

Trencher Modelling Notes

Digital sculpting by Knucklebones Miniatures, printed at 95%

Trench Shield https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/riot-shield-bobbo01
Duck with Gas Mask https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/various/gas-mask-duck

Basecoated in Acrylics and Oil Washed with Abteilung 502 Burnt Umber and Smoke

Uniform Basecoat is Army Painter Uniform Grey

Helmet Camo colours: Red Leather 70818, Green Brown 70879 and Cam Olive Green 70894

Eyes Glow - Uthuan Grey base overlayed with Blood Angels contrast 

Basing - Home made duckboards from coffee strirrers, water effects, Stirland Mud (GW texture paint) drybrushed with GW's Zandri Dust


  1. They're fantastic in general but that piano is an incredibly evocative piece.
