28 August 2021

Caesarian Roman Reinforcements

Last time I was in quarantine (during AHPC XI) I started a new project: a Caesarian (late republic) Roman army to face Alan's army of Pompey Maximus, or Reilly's intention to build a Brittanic force with lots of nasty chariots so I poke my nose across the Oceanus Brittanicus. Being back in quarantine seemed a good opportunity to finish off some supporting units I didn't get to last time.  I'm also rewatching the HBO "Rome" series for inspiration :-)

Alan giving his Pompey army a definitive Eastern Med theme with Cretan archers, Greek spearmen etc so I want to give my Caesarians an opposing Western European look. Here is my first attempt at some Allied tribesmen from regions of Gaul who have volunteered entirely of their own free will to join the Republic, which was or their own good at any rate.

These are Warlord plastics, which I found challenging. Painting was a bit of a mess to be honest, so I requested and received some some excellent advice on painting plaid from Dux Homunculorum himself and the end result was much better than anticipated (thanks mate!). Awesome how a few nice shields (decals - the shame!) coupled with detailed basing can improve a unit overall. Of course, a single base is useful for harrying a flank or rear but not much else, so I suspect I will be doing some more of these to join them sometime.

Secondly, another unit of archers to join the one I did earlier this year. One stand didn't seem to do much so hopefully two will deliver more effective results. These are Warlord metal figs - I love their drooping moustaches which give them a 'recently inducted from allied tribes' look.

Next up Roman wise I shall be doing something very novel for me: Cavalry! 

(naturally, the imminent arrival of Kill Team 2 will likely dislocate my plans :-)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks indeed Neil - I am enjoying building this army and I suppose it shows :-)

  2. They look fantastic mate! So intimidating.....

  3. Looking great and you have achieved an atmospheric feel with the basing as well.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks Ross, appreciated.
      Basing does do a lot to lift a unit like this :-)

  4. Great looking Celts and Roman archers! I've got some warlord archers to do at some point,I keep going back to dux Hs blog for dux Bellorum inspiration!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, and I'll let the Dux know too!

  5. They look really good Paul! Hope the new additions serve you better!

    1. Thanks Simon! I too hope they will bring me Joy of my Victory :-)
