09 January 2020

The Man Cave moves...again!

Its that time of the biennial cycle where the Man Cave goes mobile again. The move is now complete and thankfully we have had only a few minor disruptions due to the massive bushfires across the country.
The new games room takes shape

Thanks to all those amazing Rural Fire Service and Emergency response teams that put themselves in harms way for others - you've done a fantastic job and we are proud of you and your families for all your hard work and sustained effort.

Moving is always a little painful but on the bright side I will now get more regular adventures with Comrade James, a new games club crew and new adventures are in train!  I'm also looking forward to having all my stuff available in one location for the first time in some years - though as it was being unboxed I started to have a hobby 'moment of clarity' about how much stuff there is across a lot of genres

Anyway, got to find my brushes now so I can get back to the painting challenge!


  1. Glad to see that out are safely moved and sorted Paul. Looking forward to seeing your output.

  2. Oof, those moments of sobering clarity...

  3. Pleased to hear that the move has gone well looking forward to updates from the new HQ.

  4. Let's hope you find the brushes soon!

    1. Indeed! I don't think are are too buried too deep :-)

  5. Welcome back mate , we will definitely be giving your new Cave a workout !

    1. Thanks mate! Exactly what I was hoping you'd say :-)

  6. Good to hear the move went well and wasn't too impacted by fires mate. I'm not looking forward to the drive to CANCON. I've seen more than enough already and I suspect it will be quite painful, especially around Batlow and surrounds. Even so I am planning to stop in and buy some cider to support them. It's going to be a long road back for them.

    Re clarity... meh, its overrated :-P

    See you soon.

  7. Does this mean and opportunity to attend another Eucalyptus Bowl?

    1. No, less likely in fact - but not impossible!
