12 January 2019

AHPC9: Orc Legionaries and Goblin Sagittarii

After the very positive comments about my Romanised Orcs and Goblin Auxiliaries submission a few weeks ago, I decided to advance the timetable for this army and produce two new units.
First up is the mainstay of the Army - the Orc Legionaries, deployed here in a double line wall of spears type of formation. I have done them on two bases so I can denote when the formation to gets to half strength (which halves your attack dice in Dragon Rampant).  Figs are Oathmark Goblins fitted with Warlord Roman Shields

Second is a Goblin Sagittarii unit to support the main Orc foot troops.  To be honest I haven't found Bow units to be very effective in Dragon Rampant but this is how Roman Legio were built so I am following suit.  Figs are GW LOTR Moria Goblins.

In total that is 24 x 28mm figures ready and arrayed for battle Prefect!

These AHPC submissions are posted here:

My Orci Invicti Army thus far:

I'll probably add another unit of Legionaries, some Equites and maybe a unit of Praetorians to finish it off.


  1. Good looking Army so far mate!

    1. Thanks Nate - yes, I'm really pleased with how its developing

  2. Very creative! These are wonderful for Dragon Rampant.

  3. These are superb Paul and make such a great unit altogether.

    1. Thanks Michael! Maybe some Praetorians next to add a splash of colour :-)

  4. Love it. Great project. Cheers

  5. Cracking idea and great looking force.
