14 October 2016


Earlier this year GZG released a new range of hard suited near future models for 15mm Combat on the Moon called "MoonGrunt".  Somehow I missed them but now I'm aware of them they have really captured my imagination - they are very cool!
USMC troops from Ralph's great Putting the Colour into Space Blog
If you ever wanted to do some sort of lunar combat and near future fighting on Mars, these are the business.  The range currently has USMC and PLA-SC (People's Liberation Army Space Force) infantry (riflemen, heavy lasers and rocket launchers)

[June 2018 EDIT] - The first (?) wave of British Lunar Force models has now been released also

Ralph's wonderful PLA-SC forces from his Putting the Colour into Space blog 
And good news - Buggies and Rovers have now joined the range too!
Detail of the recently released Lunar Rovers, from the GZG website here

I’m thinking some Infantry focused low intensity combat with a squad or two per side could be a LOT of fun with minimal investment.  And if you've ever read books like Stark's War which depicts a lunar war (with WW1 trench raid parallels) this is you chance to reenact those fights.

Combat in a different hostile environment might be a lot of fun too - separatist colonists perhaps?

Yes, I think you might see some of these figs in my Painting Challenge efforts this year.
Because I needed another project...


  1. Now they look fun Paul and we all need another project. ;)

    1. Clearly Michael, because we don't have any waiting in the wings!
      Just goes to show that one os never too mature to succumb to shiny-itis :-)

  2. I like the look of those....very nice and tempting!

    1. They would seem to fit well with your existing 15mm collection too Fran

  3. They definitely look tempting, but I'm resisting the impulse...for now at least :)

    You'd definitely need to come up with some mechanism for zero/low G movement and combat, taking into account differences in combatant's aclimation to local gravity - maybe a dice roll to see if they go in the intended direction, overshoot/undershoot?

    1. Funnily enough, it was you who put me onto these Tamsin, with your post SELWG loot post :-)

      Tomorrow's War has some neat neat for both low Grav movement and Hostile environments to make them 'feel' different, but they are adaptable to any rules set:

      "Low Gravity" means units must pass a Troop Quality test (roll 4+ on a Troop Quality Dice) every time they want to make a Rapid Move. Failure means they can only make a tactical move.

      "Fighting in Vacuum" means casualties must make a Troop Quality roll prior to the First Aid roll. Failure means the casualty dies as a result of the hostile enviroment.

    2. Picked up tomorrows war and ran it at he club 2+ years ago. It was a good system. But we have slid sideways into Infinity as you are aware. Wonder if you might succumb to the Spanish side......... You need a merev10 minis and around $6500.00 worth of funky far future terrain.

  4. They certainly look the business! Have you considered a rule set? Gruntz is what we use for sci-fi skirmish and really enjoy it.

    1. I have indeed Millsy. Thinking either Tomorrow's War (which has some nice rules for hostile environments) or Grunts, perhaps using the small SpecOps module to focus on the smaller scale actions I envision.

      You do 15mm SF too? Oh get thee behind me Satan!

  5. I've been eyeing up Stargrunt, but I like the sound of the hostile environment rules in Tomorrow's War. I clearly hadn't read that far!
    This may be the excuse I need to finally bring that book to the table...

  6. BTW, thanks for the kind words and the links! :)

  7. I have been eyeing these, and the buggies really sell it for me.

    And as for Stark's War...if it had had this cover when it came out, I probably would have read it. At the time it had some crap cover instead..

  8. I can imagine using these to represent old 2000ad Rogue Trooper battles inspired by the comic strip.
    Perfect suits for the toxic chemical warfare sci-fi game.

  9. They look fantastic! I've always wanted to do a wargame for a Lunar rebellion after 'Moon Is A Harsh Mistress' - I feel some Peace Dragoons coming along.

  10. Oh wow! These look very cool. I love the moon buggies! It all has a Space 1999 kind of look to it.
