02 October 2014

Strange Aeons Kickstarter now Live

Uncle Mike's Worldwide, publisher of Strange Aeons, is launching a new range of models and a second edition of the rules.  This new edition will incorporate all the material published thus far into one book of 180 pages.  Its being funded through Kickstarter and met its minimum targets in just 28 minutes!  I went for the Early Bird Agent package  myself - to start with anyway!

If you are into Pulp and/or Horror gaming, this is a must get - Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!

EDIT - Day 2 and the first three stretch goals have already fallen with a fourth about to be unveiled...


  1. I really didn't need to see this on my first day back! Just spent a load over at the Studio Miniatures z-clipse kickstarter.
