28 October 2012

The Campaigner and 'Gamer Dad'

'The Campaigner' is a new free e-zine produced here in Oz, with the inspiring motto 'Its not just a Hobby, Its a Way of Life'

The Campaigner hopes to offer hobbyists content that both interests and educates them. To provide them with the right tools to sensibly and realistically approach any challenges that come their way. Content that covers the considerations of everyday enthusiasts and allows them to better engage in their hobby. Quite importantly, The Campaigner will present a considered and professional approach that will provide the community with a unified front. A voice that will speak not for the products, but for the people.

On the back of my article 'Training Your Opponent' in WI291 in Jan this year, I was delighted to be invited to write a regular column style article for the Campaigner, as a 'Gamer Dad'.  Finding the time to do that justice has been challenging, but I am hoping to have my first piece in Issue 2 in late November.  So I'm brain storming some ideas for articles and would be delighted to hear any suggestions.



  1. Nice one Paul, I'd say more Blood Bowl!

  2. Thanks for the tip, checking it out now.

  3. Sounds like a great resource, and good luck with the column.
    I'm sure the process of teaching Right Stuff how to play Blood Bowl, and then his process of becoming a player (and tournament contender in his own right) would have a lot of material to draw on.

  4. Any tips on actually getting gaming done with children gratefully received!

  5. Looks good. Down loaded a digital copy and I look forward to reading it.
    I will share the link.
