28 October 2010

Game 2....Ogres hurt....

Well, Game 2 didn't go so well....if you read my earlier post from last week you know I'm in a 5 game mini tournament for Blood Bowl, and after a 2-0 victory , my Dark Elves were pumped for a repeat performance. Except I didn't count on meeting 5 big smelly Ogres and their annoying yet nimble Snotling team mates....

I received the kick, and after a riot burnt a turn off each sides clock, was able to pass and run the ball in for a touchdown on Turn 3. 1-0 to me, all good so far...my opponent managed to sneak a snotling into 5 squares from my endzone on turn 7, then tried throwing the ball to him from another snotling on the half way line,but little snotlings aren't the best throwers (little arms, you see...) so the ball fell short.My turn and I thought I better smash the snotling about to try and score, so proceeded to throw a 3 dice block against him (that's as good as it gets) and only pushed him. Now, the thing about snotlings...they have side step. Which is an annoying little special rule that allows them to choose which adjacent square they will be pushed into...so of course, my opponent chose the square with the ball...surprise surprise Mr Snotling succeeds in picking up the ball, and then dodges out and then into the endzone for the equaliser...1-1...half time.

After Half time I had to kick off as I received at game start, and the bounce put the ball into the crowd, allowing my opponent to give it to any of his players. SO what would any self respecting Ogre team coach with 5 ogres and 6 snotlings on the pitch do? He gives it to his ogre in the middle of course...what followed for 6 turns was a demonstration of what happens when a coach remembers he has hulking brutes with Mighty Blow...I lost 7 of my 13 players to the injury dug out in as many turns, including 3 out of 4 blitzers and my assassin....needless to say, the big Ogre with the ball lumbered his way to the end zone, sending Dark Elves flying in his path...2-1 Ogres...2 turns to go.... My brave 6 remaining players, including the Witch Elf Blitzer Captain, dusted themselves off, and with a characteristic sneer lined themselves up to receive the kick off as best they could.In true Bloodbowl style, they managed to position themselves with a bit of deft dodging to have the Witch elf blitz a snotling ball carrier (he got the ball after my original ball carrier was tackled) and then pass it to the only Dark Elf still on his feet and not stunned (Those Ogres wouldn't let up!) who was a mere 3 squares from the endzone and in the clear...however, even her agility couldn't compensate for the presence of two ogres looming over her (-2 tackle zones) and she fluffed the pass (needed a 6). The ball sailed over the head of the lineman and bounced frustratingly into the endzone...turnover...game over.... Loved it, I was amazed I got anywhere near looking like a draw after the pummeling we received throughout the second half, but the Bloodbowl dice gods are fickle and filled with...a sense of humour...MVP for me would have to be the two linemen with the Dauntless skill, that enables them to match up to a stronger opponent using an equal strength (after a die roll to see if they can use their skill) more than once these guys were actually able to block and even knock down an Ogre or two in the first half, which made them Ogre Enemy No.1 in the second half....the apothecary says they should recover in time for the next game....

Orcs next week, and my team are already planning how to poison their drinking water.....speaking of the orcs, after they defeated the same Dark Elf team I did last week , also 2-0, they went down 3-1 to the Skaven team last night...and yes Tas, there is a Rat Ogre in that team!


  1. Ooh unlucky, thought you were going to continue the winning run after the first half, looks a great game.
    I think i will trawl evilbay and see if i can get something cheapish to start with.

  2. Noooooooo! Awesomely close game buddy - it doesnt get better than the last play of the last turn. Remember - you've still better than last year!

    Now you know what it was like when Browny literally took apart my Skaven with his Orcs- not nice! Speaking of whom, good to see some Skaven victories - cant wait to unearth my ratling friends!

    Looking forward to your Round 3 episode of the 'footy show' ;-)
