09 November 2019

MOAB Part 2

Usually, MOAB for me is a social and shopping experience with the odd game thrown in.  The last few years have changed that and this year Comrade James made the trek from Canberra for the whole weekend and stayed at mine.  That means lots of time for after hours games and beers also - excellent!

It was great to catch up with Millsy of Canister and Shot fame (http://canisterandgrape.blogspot.com/) albeit briefly, as well as Chris from the Maruya Marauders blog (from http://moruya-marauders.blogspot.com/)

Comrade James deep in concentration playing a demo of Song of Ice and Fire
After hours gaming included Blood Red Skies: 

A rare North Korean (or Russian?) victory over a USAF jet

What real man isnt stirred by the sight of a few vics of Spitfires?

A dogfight pitting Spits vs Zeros
Some introductory games of Kill Team, which has since become the Lad's game of choice (and thus my painting priority...)  The 3 player game was particularly chaotic and amusing!

The perils of true line of sight!

Chaos clash!
Beers, buddies and a brace of dice
 And rediscovering an old favourite - I got my first boxed set back in the early 80s

And of course purchases were made - enough said!
The loot pile of future shame