30 July 2015

The Second American Civil War

In interesting blog based opinionofact discussion about which States would fare better in a renewed US Civil conflict.




  1. An interesting read. Don't mess with Texas! I bet things like this will keep the preppers going for years :-)

  2. Great read, but I call into question the mass use of nukes. And the speed with which the different nations where able to make effective "armies". Its very simplistic to view the US along only state lines. Just look at any current and modern civil conflict to see that. Here is another interesting view of the divisions in the United States. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2013/11/08/which-of-the-11-american-nations-do-you-live-in/

    1. Also the author fails to take into account asymmetric warfare and counter insurgency. If the states got to the point where they where willing to fight and declare their independence, I am sure that they would have little qualms about taking pot shots at the invaders across the state line.
      And lets not forget all the state separatist movements that want to create there own nations or states out of existing states. They would have to be accounted for.

  3. That's right, don't mess with Texas - we'll kick your @$$
