10 June 2013

Capital City Crushers

This is my Ogre Team, the Capital City Crushers, made entirely from 2nd edition figs.  This si the team I played at CANCON with 6 Ogres and no re-rolls - a team build which is NOT for the feint of heart (see here).  Here are the stars of the team: the Big Guys (note the Morg figure is a standard Ogre)

And here is our home grown Star Player "Bruce Almighty" a standard ST1 snotling but he comes with Block, Dauntless and Frenzy - he is hilarious in action and either does well or epically fails!


  1. Looks like 5 2nd ed orges, 1 3rd ed Morg, but where are the snots from?

  2. I'm sure I've been out with a couple of them.

  3. These are so cool ! Love the old school models. Very well painted.

  4. Cool figures and great colour scheme

  5. A very fun team! Love the old minis
    I've got an Ogre team coming up for a client- a very different type of Ogre team. Seems like a fun team to try.

    I love your dauntless blocking snotling! He's got to be a rude surprise for the opposing team! :)

  6. Nice looking team. I'm rooting for Bruce.

  7. An all Ogre team. It looks tough.

  8. Those old ogres are really cool!
    Very nice team, congrats!

    Love the turtle shell shoulder armour.
    Hope he didn't had to crack in cold blood any of the croackers to get it!
    (Mind the pun, but it was stronger than me...)

