30 October 2009
Terminator Painting Comp

29 October 2009
SH Battle Report - Mission II: Exterminate

Key observations- the change in overwatch jam rules makes a big difference in this game. Those CPs go a long way now and they are some long, long firelanes for the stealers to traverse (see above pic for a SM view!)
I'm loving the Guard rule too and the Lad employs it well (unlike me who keeps forgetting because its new. The Sgt with Thunder Hammer combo is rather awesome and his cleaned up over a dozen of the 36 Stealers in this scenario before he fell.
Looking forward to trying this scenario from the other side!

SH Battle Report - Mission I: Suicide Mission

(The cool little Skull box in the middle was a Christmas present from the lad last year - it makes a great holder for the Command Point chits!)
Notes to self:
1. Get a black drop cloth - the wood grain is not worthy of the new tile awesomeness
2. 20 years of procrastination is enough - paint those bloody genestealers!!!
3. Rebase my old termies. Grass is just silly!
28 October 2009
Deathwing Update 2

27 October 2009
Space Hulk: A question on the Guard order

Deathwing Update

So hopefully I can finish off the first Squad this week. Still waiting on the resin hulk bases from Dragon Forge. Overall Ive had a lot of fun trying out new techniques and just getting something done for a change - thanks for the encouragement guys!
26 October 2009
Landraider Conversions
25 October 2009
With the Strength of a warm Mars bar...
The conversation went something like this:
Me: I just need some Devlan Mud wash and Komando Khaki, thanks
Me: Tell me more about how to use these inks
Me again: Yes, they do sound good, perhaps I will take the boxed ink set
(a reasonable escalation at this point I think).
Me: Yes, perhaps you're right, maybe I do need an ink brush, my others are getting a little tatty
(you can see where this is going)
Me still: Do you have any of the White Dwarf issue with the Space Hulk articles ? - I missed that one.
(Alert: moral fortitude crumbling)
Me: Whats that? You have the last copy of Space Hulk in Canberra? No others available? Nah, I'm pretty good actually - I still have all my 1st Edition stuff. Sure I'll have a look in your store copy.
(Warning: collapse imminent!!!)
Me: Yeah wrap all that up, thanks. Here's my credit card...

Now to advise SWMBO :-) At least I didn't forget got the two paints I was after!
24 October 2009
Deathwing Painting Tutorial

Deathwing Colours and Paint Stripping
23 October 2009
Space Hulk basing
And another DIY approach detailed here:
Then again, I found the 'tech-deck' range of prefab bases from Dragon Forge Design. They come in 30mm round lip or 25mm round (seen here): http://www.dragonforge.com/Painting%20service/for%20sale/base_sets/sci-fi/tech-deck.htm
there is a nice tutorial on how to get a really nice finish on them here:
Hmmm...the DIY approach doesnt look too difficult. Then again the dollar exchange rate is pretty good at the moment too. Maybe I'll just DIY the 'stealer bases!
24 Oct EDIT - I caved and bought 20 of the Dragon Forge Bases :-)
21 October 2009
Dead Marine on Throne

20 October 2009
18 October 2009
Comrade James in Trouble!

17 October 2009
Space Hulk Painting Guide - Part II

14 October 2009
Space Hulk Painting Guide

12 October 2009
04 October 2009
Southern Australian Mancave Update