01 December 2008
Pot toppers

18 September 2008
Avast there me hearties, you know what day it is? Once again it be:
Must Have
1. Tight Corset and Fyne Booty.
Preferrably likes it ROUGH and does not mind husband who goes to sea for months at a time. Is NOT the jealous type!

Seeking Pirate Wench
Must Have
1. Tight Corset and Fyne Booty.
Preferrably likes it ROUGH and does not mind husband who goes to sea for months at a time. Is NOT the jealous type!
And this crewman be here for me old shipmate Maksim:

Have ye-selves an Arrrggghhhhh of a day mateys!
08 September 2008
Captain Baron Cherkassov
An interesting short article, which winds up rather badly for the Baron after he "had gone ashore that night to visit a lady friend, leaving his ship with torpedoes disarmed, all shells stowed save 12 and no extra men posted on watch."
"The two disgraced officers were court-martialed for negligence and summarily stripped of all their ranks and privileges as well as being given a 3 year and 18 month prison sentences respectively. Tsar Nicholas II also went so far as to decree that the Baron was to be sentenced to perpetual bachelorhood, it being forbidden for him to marry so that he could not perpetuate his disgraceful family name."
read why he was so horrendously punished and how "crew efficiency was further reduced" here: http://ww1history.suite101.com/article.cfm/zhemchug_vs_the_emden_1914
[This article is dedicated with great amusement to Ogrefencer]
"The two disgraced officers were court-martialed for negligence and summarily stripped of all their ranks and privileges as well as being given a 3 year and 18 month prison sentences respectively. Tsar Nicholas II also went so far as to decree that the Baron was to be sentenced to perpetual bachelorhood, it being forbidden for him to marry so that he could not perpetuate his disgraceful family name."
read why he was so horrendously punished and how "crew efficiency was further reduced" here: http://ww1history.suite101.com/article.cfm/zhemchug_vs_the_emden_1914
[This article is dedicated with great amusement to Ogrefencer]

The ill-fated Russian protected cruiser Zhemchug, her crew in high spirits
02 September 2008
30 August 2008
Mk III: L'Hero
Ogre designation: 9038 HRO
Allegiance: Paneuropean
Credit: OgreMarkXXX
Mark: III
Nickname: L'Hero
Details: Unit HRO earned its nickname during its first tour of duty when it routed the remnants of a Combine task force before it could destroy a french town. After recently engaging a Combine defesne force and destroying their command post, it embarked on a mission into the heart of Combine territory. It's current whereabouts are now Classified.
The first picture is simply of the ogre. The second is a picture of it engaging elements of the 51 Combine Armored Division. They are kind of fuzzy but that's what they are. The third is a picture of the ogre hitting a 51st GEV. I plan on adding decals to it so I might send you more pictures in the future when I finish.
20 July 2008
19 July 2008
TurnerQuet Footage!
Some footage from a recent game we played in my garage - full BATREP and pics to follow!
TurnerQuet Footage!
Some footage from a recent game we played in my garage - full BATREP and pics to follow!
18 July 2008
27 June 2008
Mk IV: Lucious

Name: Lucious
Allegience: NAC
Modelling notes: This is another German WW II camo scheme. After a spray base coat of Floquil white, I airbrushed the model with Vallejo Yellow Ochre. I then airbrushed the stripes with Testors Model master Medium Green (1713), and Rust(1785). Once dry, the model was washed with GW brown ink, then highlighted with GW Bleached Bone. After a coat of Testor's Glosscote, the decals were applied - these were model railroad decals that I picked up a hobby shop. I finished the model with another round of Glosscote, then Testor's Dullcote.
Credit: Luious

26 June 2008
Mk II: Winter Camo

Allegience: PanE
Modelling notes: The paint scheme is an actual WW II German winter camo - I saw it on a Panzer IV, online.
I managed to lose part of my airbrush, so this model was done with aerosol spray cans. I did a base prime with Floquil white spray. This was followed by a base coat spray of Testor's Model Master Afrika Mustard (I think)..
I then cut lots of very small pieces of rectangular masking tape, and applied them randomly. I lightly oversprayed the whole madel with Floquil white primer again, let it dry, then removed the masking. This was followed by a black wash, then white highlighting. After a coat of Testor's Glosscote, I applied the red decals to the turret (they are from GHQ - Russian WW II markings).
I gave the model a final spray of Glosscote, to seal the decals, followed by a coat of Dullcote.
Modelling notes: The paint scheme is an actual WW II German winter camo - I saw it on a Panzer IV, online.
I managed to lose part of my airbrush, so this model was done with aerosol spray cans. I did a base prime with Floquil white spray. This was followed by a base coat spray of Testor's Model Master Afrika Mustard (I think)..
I then cut lots of very small pieces of rectangular masking tape, and applied them randomly. I lightly oversprayed the whole madel with Floquil white primer again, let it dry, then removed the masking. This was followed by a black wash, then white highlighting. After a coat of Testor's Glosscote, I applied the red decals to the turret (they are from GHQ - Russian WW II markings).
I gave the model a final spray of Glosscote, to seal the decals, followed by a coat of Dullcote.
Credit: Lucious

24 June 2008
Enemy Jamscreen neutralised
Friendly connectivity has suffered major interruptions over the past 10 days due to heavy electromagnetic jamming.
The recent strategic cruise missile offensive has neutralised the jamscreen installation responsible for this intereference (as well as several million hectares of enemy held territory) and normal services are now returning.
Have an OGRE day!
The recent strategic cruise missile offensive has neutralised the jamscreen installation responsible for this intereference (as well as several million hectares of enemy held territory) and normal services are now returning.
Have an OGRE day!
12 June 2008
Jungle feature
A nice how-to artcile for some jungle terrain with a water feature:

Mk VI: Bun-Bun
Designation: BNB 60018-B Name: "Bun Bun"
Allegiance: North American Combine
Notes: "Bun Bun" was built in the continental United States. Its' initial deployment and "shaking out period" required that it cross into the Eurasian Theater by crossing the Arctic Circle, thus his white and gray "winter" camo pattern. This unit was self named upon finding that the technicians at the proving grounds where its' weapons were zeroed in were fans of a pre-neuronet electronic "comic strip".
Credit: Lerchey

10 June 2008
Tea leaf foliage
as one guys says in this forum, its also great for cam nets!
09 June 2008
08 June 2008
Mk V: Ozymandius
Modeling Notes: Airbrushed. Decals from Microscale
Credit: Lucius
07 June 2008
Light Tent
This may be an inexpensive way to drastically improve taking pics of my recent activity - I will try to make one...one day!
Fencer: Schultz
Official Designation: "Cologne Cathedral"Combine nickname: "Schultz"
Allegiance: Paneuropean
Notes: "Cologne Cathedral" was dispatched on a mission to kill a high-ranking Combine general. While mauling the the Combine defense force, the Ogre managed to destroy two dummy command posts, before withdrawing. The unharmed Combine general remarked that the "Cologne Cathedral" reminded him of the character of a German sargeant, in an obscure 20th Century television show, who also "saw nothing". The name stuck, and even Paneuropean soldiers adopted it.
Credit: Lucius
06 June 2008
Mk III: Dazzleship
Name / Designation: Unknown - CODENAME: Dazzleship
Allegiance: North American Combine
Unit / Formation: Unknown NAC formation, European Front
Notes: Unknown OGRE tracked by PanE ground sensors and occasional confirmatory orbital imagery
Credit: Mark "Extra Crispy: Severin
Credit: Mark "Extra Crispy: Severin
05 June 2008
Scenario: The Mecklenburg Gamble
Source: "Drow" Magazine, No.1, 1993- Author Unknown)
Date Line: Spring 2086
After blunting the Paneuropean drive on Riga in the summer of '85, Army Group Baltic used the winter to reorganise and re-equip. Stretching an already taut supply network to the limit, the Army Group was made ready for a counter offensive.
A.G. Baltic's task was made easier in that much of the Pan-E's eastern army was held down occupying the east coast of the old North American Federation. When the mud had dried, A.G. Baltic launched its attack.
Only the Central Reserve, moved forward to the Macklenburg city of Rostock, stood in the way of a decisive Combine breakthrough. In order to maintain momentum, Marshal Sargov chose to deploy his special forces. An amphibious and airborne assault would be launched to capture the port of Lubeck, thus trapping the central reserve east of the Elbe, where they would be annihilated at leisure by the second line infantry.
Orders of Battle
Combine Forces:
201st Assault Squadron [Col. Rik Danilov]- 12 GEV
366th Jump Troop [Cpt. Alex Kutsevov]- 8 Inf
2nd Tank Battalion [Maj. Dev Gorki]- 10 Armour
Entry: 201st: any water hex, east side of map on Turn 1.
366th: Drop Zone (DZ) on any clear hex, any turn (units to be deployed within 3 hexes of DZ & may not move on initial turn)
2nd: Any undestroyed lake side hex after Lubeck is taken (max of 4 units per turn & may not move on turn of landing)
Paneuropean Forces:
XXXIII Landwehr Division [Maj. Franz Tenkof]- 24 Inf + 5 Armour
West Country Volunteers [Col. James Fennes]- 10 Armour (+1 Inf per Lt or Hvy tank)
Entry: XXXIII: Any City, deployed at start.
Volunteers: Enter on hexes 0422 and/or 1822, turn 5
Victory Conditions - Combine:
Unit Destruction, 6 points per Bridge destroyed and 2 points per City Road hex destroyed.
Victory Conditions - Paneuropean:
Unit destruction, 6 points per city hex west of hexrow 06 occupied or adjacent to a friendly unit and 30 points for majority control of Lubeck (Hexes 1915-2315).
Game Length: 20 turns
Date Line: Spring 2086
After blunting the Paneuropean drive on Riga in the summer of '85, Army Group Baltic used the winter to reorganise and re-equip. Stretching an already taut supply network to the limit, the Army Group was made ready for a counter offensive.
A.G. Baltic's task was made easier in that much of the Pan-E's eastern army was held down occupying the east coast of the old North American Federation. When the mud had dried, A.G. Baltic launched its attack.
Only the Central Reserve, moved forward to the Macklenburg city of Rostock, stood in the way of a decisive Combine breakthrough. In order to maintain momentum, Marshal Sargov chose to deploy his special forces. An amphibious and airborne assault would be launched to capture the port of Lubeck, thus trapping the central reserve east of the Elbe, where they would be annihilated at leisure by the second line infantry.
Orders of Battle
201st Assault Squadron [Col. Rik Danilov]- 12 GEV
366th Jump Troop [Cpt. Alex Kutsevov]- 8 Inf
2nd Tank Battalion [Maj. Dev Gorki]- 10 Armour
Entry: 201st: any water hex, east side of map on Turn 1.
366th: Drop Zone (DZ) on any clear hex, any turn (units to be deployed within 3 hexes of DZ & may not move on initial turn)
2nd: Any undestroyed lake side hex after Lubeck is taken (max of 4 units per turn & may not move on turn of landing)
XXXIII Landwehr Division [Maj. Franz Tenkof]- 24 Inf + 5 Armour
West Country Volunteers [Col. James Fennes]- 10 Armour (+1 Inf per Lt or Hvy tank)
Entry: XXXIII: Any City, deployed at start.
Volunteers: Enter on hexes 0422 and/or 1822, turn 5
Victory Conditions - Combine:
Unit Destruction, 6 points per Bridge destroyed and 2 points per City Road hex destroyed.
Victory Conditions - Paneuropean:
Unit destruction, 6 points per city hex west of hexrow 06 occupied or adjacent to a friendly unit and 30 points for majority control of Lubeck (Hexes 1915-2315).
Game Length: 20 turns
Mk V: Grendel
Name / Designation: 'GRENDEL'
Allegiance: PanEuropean
Unit / Formation: 97th PanEuropean (7th Scandanavian)
Notes: Sergeant Grendel is one of the newest members of the 97th PanEuro, a Division that is very proud of its Norwegian roots. All very-heavy vehicles and Ogres have the Norwegian flag painted on them. All other elements are red with white and blue stripes on the barrels or passenger compartments.
Credit: Steve Hanson

Allegiance: PanEuropean
Unit / Formation: 97th PanEuropean (7th Scandanavian)
Notes: Sergeant Grendel is one of the newest members of the 97th PanEuro, a Division that is very proud of its Norwegian roots. All very-heavy vehicles and Ogres have the Norwegian flag painted on them. All other elements are red with white and blue stripes on the barrels or passenger compartments.
Credit: Steve Hanson
04 June 2008
Mk III: Felicity
Allegiance: TBD
Unit / Formation: TBD
Notes: Named after a particularly annoying television character from the 21st century
Modelling notes: *I like my OGREs a little cleaner and less beat up. Overall I was pleased with how this turned out. I already have my next one - "Moon Unit" - ready for basing...
Credit: Mark "Extra Crispy" Severin
Fencer: Arminius
Allegiance: Pan European
Unit / Formation: Third Panzer Armee
Notes: Named after the German patriot who coordinated the destruction of three Roman Legions at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD. This unit also moonlights as the Argentinian Fencer 'Evita Peron', deployed to the Antarctic Disputed Zone in support of operations against Pan Pacific Alliance forces
Modelling notes: Upon reflection (years after painting) it needs additional detailing, weatheirng and some decals. I'll upload some new pics when I get around to doing that.
Credit: Tas
03 June 2008
Mk III: Yowie
Allegiance: Pan Pacific Alliance
Unit / Formation: Long Range Strike Group, PanPac Northern Front
Notes: YOWIE holds the current PanPac record for an independant operation, 43 days during which it conducted surveillance patrols and independant strikes in the archipeligo to Australia's north.
Modelling Notes: This is a rather sentimental OGRE for me (if such a thing can be said about a sentient AI-controlled behemoth of death...): it was the first OGRE I ever painted, the first time I ever used an airbrush, and the first time I tried to do some digital effects on a picture.
Credit: Tas
Credit: Tas
02 June 2008
Paint fest comes to an abrupt end
I recieved the dreaded phone-call recalling me to work for tomorrow, meaning that today became a catchup for unfinished domestic chores. I did at least finish off my NVA HMG stand and my US insignia decals arrived too so I should be able to progress some of those projects waiting for them.
I'll have to take some pics on the weekend to capture what I achieved, which was actually quite a bit it seems!
I'll have to take some pics on the weekend to capture what I achieved, which was actually quite a bit it seems!
Mk V: Thunderchild
Name / Designation: TDL-024 "THUNDERCHILD"
Allegiance: Pan Pacific Alliance
Unit / Formation: 2nd (Cyber) Cavalry Regiment
Notes: Selected its own name after seeing the heroic HMS THUNDERCHILD's exploits in resisting the Martial Invaders in the classic tri-vid opera "War of the Worlds".
This Mk V was one of the second batch of Mk Vs produced by the Melbourne OGRE factory and was initally lost during a deep raid into Nihon territory. PanPac supplied guerillas recovered and hid the still active AI and it was eventually returned to Australia where it was incorporated into a new war hull. Since its rebuild Thundershild has displayed some aberrent behaviour but passes all technical assessments.
Allegiance: Pan Pacific Alliance
Unit / Formation: 2nd (Cyber) Cavalry Regiment
Notes: Selected its own name after seeing the heroic HMS THUNDERCHILD's exploits in resisting the Martial Invaders in the classic tri-vid opera "War of the Worlds".
This Mk V was one of the second batch of Mk Vs produced by the Melbourne OGRE factory and was initally lost during a deep raid into Nihon territory. PanPac supplied guerillas recovered and hid the still active AI and it was eventually returned to Australia where it was incorporated into a new war hull. Since its rebuild Thundershild has displayed some aberrent behaviour but passes all technical assessments.
Credit: Tas
Mk III: Bushranger
Name/Designation: BGR-001 'BUSHRANGER'Allegiance: Pan Pacific Alliance
Unit/Formation: 3rd Independant Brigade, PanPac Antarctic Strike Force
Notes: BUSHRANGER was one of the PanPac Alliance's first OGREs purchased from the NAC for battlefield assessment. Fielded extensively with great success on the Alliance's northern front, BUSHRANGER was one of the first units assigned to the PacPac Antarctic Strike Force to prevent Argentinian incursions across the southern pole.
Credit: Tas.
Unit/Formation: 3rd Independant Brigade, PanPac Antarctic Strike Force
Notes: BUSHRANGER was one of the PanPac Alliance's first OGREs purchased from the NAC for battlefield assessment. Fielded extensively with great success on the Alliance's northern front, BUSHRANGER was one of the first units assigned to the PacPac Antarctic Strike Force to prevent Argentinian incursions across the southern pole.
Credit: Tas.
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