Chill the Champagne to 45°F, usually three hours in the refrigerator or 30 minutes in an ice bucket (silver or pewter look the nicest). Cut the foil and remove.
31 December 2006
Champagne pouring tips!
Chill the Champagne to 45°F, usually three hours in the refrigerator or 30 minutes in an ice bucket (silver or pewter look the nicest). Cut the foil and remove.
21 December 2006
Guest Spot - How to do the Dip
When I started my VSF project at the beginning of the year, I was a bit daunted about doing it in 28mm, I tend to be a slow painter. But, I stumbled across the infamous Dip method on The Miniatures Page and decide to give it a try. It does give the figures someting of a "toy" look, but I like that for VSF and it does cover a multitude of painting sins. I have been happy with the results, here how I do it.
Step 1: Paint Figures
Currently I am working on finishing up my Russian force. The infantry consists of figures from Old Glory’s Boxer Rebellion range and I picked up the Romanov Holiday set from West Wind’s Gothic horror range to use as a force commander and the Tsarina and kids as objectives.
As you can see, I have done a very basic paint job, nothing fancy, no dry brushing or shading, just the basic colors.
Step 2: Prepare the materials
To do the dip, you’ll need a one step wood stain / sealer, such as Olympic One Step. Chose a dark color, I use a dark walnut. You will also need some rubber gloves and sponge brushes. I got all of these at my local Lowe’s home store.
Most importantly you will need a work area that can get messy, do NOT do this on your wife’s antique dining room table.
Step 3: Do the Dip
Stir the stain, put your gloves on, and grab a figure. Grit your teeth, and dip the figure into the stain. This is really difficult the first time you do it, but it gets easier.
Pull the figure out and let the excess drain off.
Use the foam brush to dab (not brush) the excess off. If you do not, then it can pool. The objective is to let it settle into the cracks and bring out the relief in the figure.
Here are the results…
Stoic Russian riflemen ready to serve the Tsar on Earth, Mars, or Venus.
The Tsar and family prepare for a trip to the red planet.
Here are some dipped figures next to more traditionally dry brushed figures for comparison.
24 April 2006
Lest We Forget

Today, 25th April, is ANZAC Day
For those who Serve, those who have Served, and those still on Patrol:
Ode to the Fallen
They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow,
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
22 April 2006
Smashing Tattoo!

Features included the Grenadier Guards Band, the Band of the Royal Marines, the Royal New Zealand Army Band, Tonga Army Band plus Zulu War dancers, precision drill teams, highland bands and Gaelic dancers!

Needless to say, there were feathery hats, bearskins, pith helmets, gold lacing, hungarian knots and tassles aplenty!

And the lads did indeed look splendid and did their countries proud!
Long Live the Queen!
05 April 2006
GnTs and Production
Dash it all though, my box brown has packed it in (must have been that blasted donkey ride through the HinduKush) and I'll have to get a replacement. I must ask my sister to send another from London. She can send it with my new Mess Jacket after the last one got burnt doing the 'dance of the flamers'...
Anyhow, while I work on the latest creations, I thought I would share my thoughts on how to make the 'perfect' Gin and Tonic!

1. Pour the gin into a highball glass filled with ice. A crystal glass most assuredly improves the taste
2. Add the Gin. This is the element that requires extensive research. My personal favourite is Bombay Sapphire which has an herbaceous and complex flavour but I would encourage you to sample as many types as possible. Just like a good scotch or wine there are many flavour combinations. Gordons is really light and crisp, it isn’t very complex or herbaceous. Tanqueray is quite lemony and a bit sharper and more bitter. Plymouth Gin is full bodies with strong juniper overtones. The amount required traditionally is 30ml but I have found that it sometimes depends on how much positive outlook you require. Once again this also takes some research to get it right .
3. Garnish with a slice of lemon lime to finish it off, I prefer lime with my Bombay gin but if I can’t get it then lemon. I use lemon with Tanqueray or Gordons.
4. The correct proportion is one measure of gin and two of tonic. Again, significant research is required.
5. Use fresh tonic water from a small bottle or can. Do yourself a favour and don’t get the diet style, after all this is for medicinal purposes
6. Take your refreshment out to the porch and consume till your positive outlook on life has been restored.
Coming Soon: The Tsar's Terror Tower!