Finally got some paint onto a long neglected bit of terrain this weekend: the Wall of Martyrs. I recently picked up an Imperial fortress looking thing second hand at CanCon, so that gave me the impetus to get it done - great battlefield options for playing Kill Team.
Here is the Wall of Matyrs - a defensive fortification in inimitable GW style. It comprises 2 long trenches, 3 intersections and 6 end pieces to make a flexible system.
New terrain deserves some new defenders! |
I also did 2 tester figs for my new Kill Team faction - the Black Templars. Yes I am a sucker for a new army, but at least in Kill Team its only a modest investment (or so I tell myself)
In action this morning - defended by Chaos Marines! |
Painting Notes:
Black Undercoat
Walls (inside and out) - heavy Skavenblight Dinge drybrush, Dawnstone light drybrush - Agrax earthshade wash
Floors - Tin Bitz and Leadbelcher drybrush - no wash
Martyrs - Vallejo Highlight Arifkakps drubrush, Agrax earthshade wash, highlight again with basecoat
Imperial Equipment - basecoat Mr Hobby Green (FS34102), highlight post wash with Vallejo Olive
This entry makes the
Skull-o-meter very happy: The templar figures have 4 skulls between them, and the myriad corpses of dead imperial guardsmen stacked against the wall of martyrs add another (48+28+17+26+26) = 145: a small skull bomb!
Added to my previous work, that brings my current tally to 233 noggins. Thats a lot of grim dark!
Points wise the trenches all add up to 6 lengths of 6 inch x 4 inch wide terrain. Thats the equivalent of 4 terrain blobs for 80 points. The two 28mm figs add another 10 for a total of 90. Thats should break my target 500 points target - onto Snowlord's Peak!