20 November 2010

Into the Forest of Doom

Readers may recall a young Lad's foray into Fighting Fantasy books earlier this year, starting with the Warlock of Firetop Mountain (thanks to Comrade James):

Well, after many tough sessions and more than a few scribbled maps, the Lad has manged to finally defeat said Warlock!  Drama, excitement, tension - it was all there in spades.  Particularly when after killing the mage, we found that we didn't have the right keys to unlock the treasure room!  So a valued first lesson in Pyrrhic victories...

I can also report that we have also been playing the e-version of Deathtrap Dungeon on the iTouch but its not nearly as much fun clicking buttons compared to travelling around the book.  Something gets lost in the translation I think, but that could just be me.

So now we venture from Firetop Mountian to enter the Forest of Doom with this well loved 1st edition version from the depths of the Man Cave library...


  1. Awesome well done Reills! :))
    Always happy to induct young minds into the way of the Paper Jedi :)

  2. I remember the Forest of DOOOM..It one of the really good ones :)
