27 September 2011

Hellmouth Heroes: 10 Games down!

You might remember that last month I started plyaing a new Vampire Blood Bowl team: The Hellmouth Heroes: http://tasmancave.blogspot.com/2011/08/hellmouth-heroes.html
Well they've just completed their 10th game - one of the advantages of a live-in opponent!
The Hellmouth Heroes, posing after their first win of the Season in Round 4
Game Stats                         W:D:L = 5:1:4
TD for: 23                             TD against: 20
CAS for: 9 (0 kills)                Cas Against: 27 (3 kills - all Thralls)

Team Roster
   Drusilla: Block, Dodge, Nerves of Steel
   The Master: +1 Ag, Block, Sure Hands
   Angellus: Pro, Block, Fend
   Spike: Block, Tackle
   Sam Sickle-Cell, Guard
   Matty Malaria
   Anemic Andy
   O Pos, Kick
   O Neg
   Henry Hemophiliac
   AB Neg
   Harry Hemoglobin, +1 Mv
5 Re-Rolls, Apothecary
Team value: 151

Overall I'm really happy with the development of the team so far.  The Vamps are getting some versatile skills now (the 5 Ag Vamp is a killer ball handler/thrower), but I'm routinely having far more casualties inflicted.  Admittedly the Vamps do a few of those themselves, but I need to get some Mighty Blow and Pile On to start giving the pain back in equal measure!


  1. The stats aren't too bad, need more practice, good looking team though.

  2. Not bad for a Vampire Team! Looking like in a few more games you could build them up to be very nasty.

    I have my first game against Dwarfs for the league starting on Thursday then Skaven! Whoo! Bricks then Speed.

  3. Woah, if we ever have a chance we must play! My team is the Sunnydale Slayers, and I think they would put a good match!! :D


  4. Nice looking team! Pretty respectable stats for their first season. :)

  5. Never played this. Looks like fun though, and I love the scoreboard.

  6. Thanks all - its fun developing the Vamps, though the Thralls are entirely expendable!
