10 February 2012

Proud Finalist and Well Done to the Angry Lurker

In case you missed it, the deserving winner of the Figgybloggy best blog of 2011 was the Angry Lurker.  I don't know how Fran gets time to get seemingly everywhere and provide encouragement to everyone, as well as game and paint some wonderful figs.  I was thrilled to be stacked up against him and other amazing blogs: Paul's Bods, Saxon Dog, and Tiny Solitary Soldiers.  If you haven't seen them- go now and see what you are missing!

And so I will now proudly wear this little banner - thanks again for everyone's support and encouragement.


  1. 4 great blogs!!!! Well done to all 4 finalists!!!

  2. Felicitations aux gagnants, and to the runners up. I like a lot of the other ones too who also served. We have lots of blogs, and Figoblogotheque is a good place to find even more.

  3. I too would like to second Ray's comment. Congrats Paul on getting into the top 5. Well deserved mate!

  4. Congratulations and well deserved.

  5. Thanks Paul...great idea with the runners up badge, Pity that the figgyvote wasn´t more widely advertised (we tried didn´t we?)and that more didn´t vote, but at the end of the day...ALL us wargaming/bod painting/modelling blog owners are the best.....what other hobby is so great!!!!!!? :-D

  6. Congrats Paul - well deserved to all four of you.

  7. Congratulations to Angry Luker but a great job was done by all.
