05 February 2022

AHPC XII: Chaos Landraider "Blood Storm"

It was only 2 weeks ago amidst this very challenge that I got obsessive over a single, low point submission. I wouldn't fall into that particular hole again so soon would I?... You know it!

Meet Bloodstorm, a Chaos Landraider with a multitude of Spikey bits and more than the odd skull affixed to the superstructure in praise of the Dark Gods. To be more precise it is a captured and repurposed Imperial vehicle, turned against it former masters - Chaos guys are a bit insidious like that. Its also big and bright and red. Chaos guys like that too.

Obviously I went overboard once again with the customisation and the silly amount of layering and edge highlighting (not seen well in the pics) to get the bright, vibrant red colour.  Hopefully that draws the enemy fire and lets the other parts of my army get close enough to breathe sweet nothings in the enemy's ears, before they hack them off (and the rest of the head too, ideally).

In true Khorne fashion is trying to climb OUT of the heavily armoured fighting vehicle so he can hit things with his chainsword - Khorne guys REALLY like doing that.



  1. That's a beast! But wonderfull painted!


  2. "We need a new driver, this one is dead!"...whenever I see Berzerkers inan transport all I can hear is that line from OG Dawn of War!

    Lovely red you managed to get on the vehicle, really vibrant.
