24 October 2018

AHPC Preps and off for a spell

The obscure SdKfz 254 Artillery FO vehicle
Recently I have been considering my options for the upcoming AHPC Season IX.  I have a number of bits and bobs to do but I always have a central theme. I also have a penchant for buying and prepping figures, and then completely ignoring them during the challenge as new projects begin and new interests are kindled. Oh well...
SdKfz 250/10 Command Recce vehicle sporting a 37mm anti-tank gun
This year I am hoping to bulk out my fantasy force a bit (and because they are left over from a previous AHPC) but my main push is my 15mm Afrika Korps, both for Battlegroup Tobruk and the later Torch period.  During AHPC VIII, I concentrated on the recce and light armour forces - this year I will add the heavier (its all relative in 41-42!) Pz IVs and a range of specialist vehicles. I have enjoyed finding the less common ones to really round out the force and give me a myriad of options.
WIP: SdKfz 251 Ausf C Platoon HQ vehicle 
But before all that commences I am back to sea for operational deployment and will return in December. In the meantime Reilly has just finished his Yr 12/HSC/SAT/A Level exams so I am hoping to tempt him back to some modelling and gaming before he starts University next year.  In the meantime these are now on my Santa list, along with the recently announced and long awaited SAGA Book of Battles.

and speaking of distracting new interests...

So...who else plans on participating in the forthcomingAHPC Season?
A very wise Dreadnought indeed!

18 October 2018

Orc War Pigs!

I recently painted these up for my mate Slowpainter John, to thank him for some figures that he donated to Reilly's Dwarf army. Plus...its Orctober!
These are BTD minis - a lot of fun to paint up I'm particularly pleased with how the metallics came out.  Unbased so John can match them to the rest of his Orc army.

Over a black undercoat, this was my progression of paints;
Using a heavy drybrush of the Dwarf Bronze, heavy shading followed by edge highlighting with the Glorious Gold

12 October 2018

Trench Clearance!

Our Centenary of Remembrance WW1 gaming continued this week with the Germans clearing out a French Trench system after a successful dawn assault, while a French rearguard desperately holds them off to buy time for the Regiment to withdraw.  I adopted a scenario from Too Fat Lardies' Stout Hearts and Iron Troopers supplement and kept with To The Last Man rules from last week.  I had the French start hidden and gave each team written orders to keep a few things hidden from eachother. It added a bit of tension which was fun.

The Germans moved up with their two squads and HMG team, while the French held their fire.  The Germans, unsure of what awaited them in the now seemingly empty French trenches, advanced cautiously, throwing grenades around corners (and taunting the French players to open up on them if they dare!).

 And when the opportune time came, the first French HMG team opened up!

 On the other flank, the veteran German squad found the trench ahead of them blocked by barbed wire and took the only option open to them- over the top!

The second French HMG team reveals itself with a burst of fire

The Bavarian infantry takes casualties but keeps pushing up
On the left flank the scene is mirrored, preventing the French HMGs teams from concentrating their fire. To their horror, the French discovered why the Colonial Tommies prayed that their gatlings wouldnt jam...
The HMG was overrun with minimal casualties.

While the other HMG starts to fall back under unyielding pressure
The veteran Bavarians, below half strength kept coming up. Some bayonet work saw men on both sides fall and in the end, against all odds with snipers taking pot shots at him as well, Private Stinky Pierre of the HMG squad escaped - the only survivor of the Rear Guard to report back to the Colonel. Had they bought enough time for the Regiment to prepare a secondary defensive line? Only time would tell...

04 October 2018

Trench Raid!

Some players get right into character to make the most of the experience
After a number of us scored some painted WW1 troops from the MOAB bring and buy, we were keen to throw down and get them onto the table.
French Infantry advance along the trenches
France, 1916. Sometime after dinner.

German Jager HMG team

Für das deutche Vaterland! 

The new stahlhelm proved most popular amongst the troops
 3 Central Powers players - all playing Germans, faced off against a tripartite Allied force comprising British, Belgians and French.
German Jaegers and French infantry go bump in the night. What followed was...messy

The objective - a German artillery piece in the centre of the Battlefield.
For the German players - deliver the change to the fire plan and defend the gun.
For the British - capture the maps (showing the locations of the other guns in the battery) and spike the gun.

We used "To the Last Man" rules which I may review later but suffice it to say that they provided a good set of tactical mechanics and were easy to pick up, but lack any army builder system or scenarios.  Which is fine in my book, and more importantly, we were playing fairly fluidly after a quick 20min skim of the rules.

What followed was mayhem, mills bombs and mirth. The terrain was awesome (trenches courtesy of Alan, who was sadly absent) and the effect were both very impressive and great to play on.

Noting that I will be deployed next month, this was unilaterally declared our Centenary of Remembrance wargaming activity.

More to follow!