30 September 2018

MOAB 2018

Comrade James, The Lad and Slowpainter John
Over the last few years, MOAB for me has gone from ‘Meh’ to my favourite Con, and not just because its less than hrs drive away. Its really because it’s a great social day out with the club lads and hobby friends of games and conventions past.   This year was no exception particularly with my Lad Reilly AKA "Magnet" emerging from his HSC/Yr 12/A Level/ SAT exam preparations for a mental health day away the books and Comrade James drove 3 hrs from Canberra for the day too - awesome

Not a huge Con, but a fun one
After a great preparatory brekkie at a cafe to plan our assault on the trade stalls, we got into some nice table wandering followed by the finding totally unnecessary random treasures at the Bring and Buy.  Some nice looking tables too, including this awesome Star Wars demo game, played in and around this 3D printed Quasar Class Carrier with LED lights!
I also really liked this terrain, which I need to copy for my FIW table:

We then invested the afternoon enjoying an epic intro game of Gaslands - gorgeous table, total mayhem and you could tell by the cheering (and complaints from the DBAers!) which was the most fun game. Highlight- Reilly’s inevitable betrayal, this time of his godfather Comrade James! 

Mayhem at the 10 car start line!
James cant see this smile but I know what it usually portends...

The plan unleashed!

You're doing what to me now?

Yep, crash and burn dude!

Thats me crashed and burned on the gate pylon, with James burning on the track ahead of me
In the end all 10 cars were destroyed on the track, and there was much rejoicing by everyone.
A really, really well run Demo game with a friendly bunch of gamers - thanks guys!

And naturally, here is my pile of shame from the bring and buy- a bit of everything and all of them a bargain!

Which includes a new and fully pained (!) mid WW1 army of German Jagers for some skirmish gaming.

25 September 2018

Romanised Orcs!

A bit of experimental tomfoolery involving Oathmark Goblins, Warlord shields and banner and a fireforge cape.  All painted up in the same colours as my recent Frostgrave Orc posse and on the same winterised base style.

I originally planned to have them individually based, but I wanted to show a well drilled, elite Orc infantry units.  I could also do that, reflecting a solid (yet ragged) looking shield wall, on a group basing.  I'm happy that the final result depicts just that, but retains a bit of Orc wildness with a mix of weaponry at the same time.

And behold! An EliteFoot unit for Dragon Rampant!

15 September 2018

Doing up some terrain

Been on a bit of a terrain blitz of late, as well as playing some Frostgrave.  This is a Celtic Roundhouse I just finished.

I have wanted a Celtic roundhouse since 2011 when I first saw this one (as I recall from this post http://tasmancave.blogspot.com/2011/07/celt-roundhouses.html).  This year I finally bought one for myself for my birthday, and thanks to a club terrain day I got all inspired.  As a result it went from bare resin to this in a week.

This is a Hovels product, which was very nicely finished with no resin bubbles or flash
I quite enjoyed adding the diorama bits to bring it to life and add colour to the otherwise drab Dark Ages!
Separately I have been playing with an airbrush on some of my Kill Team terrain. Really enjoying playing with it - I'll tell Santa.
Did I say Kill Team? yes I did...