12 February 2015

More ECW Reading

Thanks once again to Amazon, I am now enjoying some more ECW reading.  While we have yet to determine which more modern rules we will use (Impetus, Polemos etc) these classic titles have some great content.

I must admit that as nice as it would be to have original editions, the Curry reprints of classic books are very nice, at very reasonable prices, and immediately available.

...and thanks for the tip on the Wesencraft title Millsy!


  1. You're welcome mate! I'm interested to see which way you go with rules. I'm becoming more tempted by the day to do some stuff in the same scale on the off chance you land anywhere near Sydney on your return....

    1. Well have a wild guess where Alan lives...the sunny north shore!

  2. Making a mental note to avoid this period ... just too tempting. It didn't help that I watched By The Sword Divided again on YouTube for the first time since the 1980s and really enjoyed it. That's what blogs are for, to follow other periods vicariously, I suppose.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree Michael, but this one caught my interest and wouldn't go away

      I'll need to do a base of "Lacey's Troop" for my Royalist Army!
