22 January 2012

Training Your Opponent

My copy of Wargames Illustrated 291 arrived today, which has my article "How to Train Your Opponent" at the back.  I was chuffed to see how well it came out.  Thanks for all the positive feedback, I'm pleased it came across as an interesting and different piece rather than just gamer Dad propaganda! Featured in the pics are not only the Lad but me, and fellow Man Cave Gamers Comrade James and Oberst Owen.
I also really enjoyed the Kelly's Heroes article- particularly and the Lad and I had just watched the movie on the Man Cave TV the day before!


  1. Nice one!! Well done getting the article published!!!

  2. Congrats again - I really enjoyed the article (great pics as well).

  3. A published article? OOOhhhhh, I shall call you Mr. Man Cave from now on

  4. Always an achievement to get something published. Well done, sir!

  5. Congrats Paul. I have not got my copy yet but I look forward to reading your article when I get it.

  6. Finally I picked up my copy of WI along with the Feb issue yesterday. Some prob in the North Island slowed down the shipping. Anyway, read your article and I must say it was very enjoyable. Very well done Paul. That is an awesome achievement.
