01 June 2011

Big Box of Viking Awesomeness

What do 2 Drakkars, 2 Knorrs, and a heap of figures and resin terrain look like?  This! (via airmail anyway)
Our goodies from Gripping Beast have arrived - its Christmas again!  And having it delivered to work has helped me conceal an order I couldn't possibly disclose to SWMBO...

The last time I had a big box of awesomeness delivered it looked like this:
(and WoW - hasn't the Lad grown in that time!)

And a Hearty Man Cave welcome to those followers who have recently joined us.
Please excuse the lateness of the welcome - I was busy off pillaging Northbumbria!


  1. Love a bit of deception and boxed loveliness.

  2. SWMBO what does this mean ????? your the second person to use it... put me out of my misery.

  3. She Who Must Be Obeyed, aka Better Half, aka Wife!

  4. Great. I love your tactics. I would do the same if thought I could get away with it.

  5. Can we see whats in the box :)

  6. SWMBO..........Just remember, 1)Admit nothing, 2)Deny everything and 3) make counter accusations.
    Good luck.
    And yes, please empty the box.

  7. Ah yes Christmas in June!!! Next time send the box to me!!! I'll hide it from the spousal unit!

  8. oooooooooooooooh. When do we get to see what's actually in the box. Moreover, what are you going to do if a certain someone takes a peak at your blog?

  9. Exciting delivery, can't wait to see the goodies (well smuggled past SWMBO)

    -- Allan

  10. It's always good getting goodies in the post, top marks for keeping it from the Mrs, Shhh!! don't tell anyone but all my stuff gets delivered to my neighbour, he he he!! (evil snigger).

  11. Nope, no 'open the box ' pics - Its still sealed until Sat, when Peter and I will open it together and gaze in wodner at the awesomeness inside!

  12. Enjoy the Opening of the Box ritual tomorrow. I admire your self control.
