
10 December 2021

Beast of Nurgle

Last year I painted up a Nurgle Team for Blood Bowl that Reilly gifted to me for father's day:

...thanks to my third but mercifully shorter period of quarantine for this year, I've finally gotten to painting a Beast of Nurgle (or Rotspawn, as the position is now called) for the team. I wasn't a fan of the GW model so using our new 3d resin printer we made our own. Its quite large and would probably be better printed at 90%, but this guy is super imposing on the pitch :-)

This model is "The Maw" by creator Dark Gods. Priced at only a few dollars, the pre-supported stl is really great and I highly recommend it.  It also comes with a bunch of options so you could build a whole Fantasy unit with none of them the same:

Painting wise this was a pretty quick and dirty project with lots of washes I started with a dark green base and added a white zenithal highlight. Flesh was as per my team using Celestra grey with Druchi Violet wash. Slaneshi Grey drybrush and then highlights with Ulthan Grey and Palid Wych Flesh. Mouth was a basecoated in Screamer Pink, highlighted in Emperor's Children, a patchy red wash and finally a gloss finish.

Concurrently, our DungeonBowl set has arrived and we are getting set for even greater mayhem underground. I've started churning out some thematic bases on the resin printer too.

Ahhh, that new game box smell!


  1. Really like your alt Beast’o’Nurgle! Excellent sculpt, far better than the FW official uninteresting sculpt. I’m off to check out that page to see what other options one can print, thanks

    1. Thanks Dai! Hope you find something there that you like :-)

  2. That’s a great team and beast. Good to see the printer getting a god workout.

    1. Thanks JB! Its Reilly who is the 3d printing guru, natruyrally! :-)
