
22 February 2019

AHPC9: Desert Oasis

The obligatory "sun shining off the water" shot :-)
Noting my DAK project of late, the topic of my Water Feature bonus round probably comes as no surprise: an oasis in the desert is key terrain regardless of what era one is playing.
SdKfz 222 was painted during AHPC 8 and is for scale only
While my immediate use is for 15mm North Afrika, I have endeavoured to keep this scale terrain feature scale agnostic.  It is also the first time I have used resin to attempt a water effect, so this Bonus round was useful in pushing my skills envelope!

I have used plastic palm trees, painted and drybrushed to reduce the overly artificial look they tend to have out of the packet. They do look better outside of direct sunlight though.


  1. What a wonderful and creative work Paul, well done!

  2. Love that first shot with the sunlight reflecting off the water - magical!

    1. Thanks Michael - yes that was a fun shot. Exactly the effect I was going for with the use of the resin to bring it to life. It will make a nice splash of colour on an otherwise drab desert table. Cheers!
