
24 February 2019

AHPC IX Progress

With just under a month to go, I am looking at what is next for my AHPC participation:
  • Points rate of effort are well in hand despite 3 aggregated weeks away from home and one week of no submissions (which I anticipated when setting my target).
  • I should meet my target in the next week and with a solid push might even beat my current PB of 1228 points
  • Submissions thus far have been predominantly based on my 15mm DAK Army and 28mm 'Romanised Orcs' project.
  • I have only 2 points posted toward the Naval Side duel. Ironic really…
  • With just one bonus round left to go am on track to hit all 5 again this year
  • I have yet to do a Curtgeld figure, but it is in the project plan.
  • I am enjoying AHPC as much as ever - I hope the other challengers are enjoying themselves also
On on!


  1. Keep going Paul, it has been a brilliant year fro you this time around.

  2. Thanks Michael - you aren't having such a bad one yourself!
    AHPC is as great as ever, and made so but our great online community

  3. You're doing a cracking job Paul. Thanks again for all your help!
