
25 May 2017

Hobby Highs and Horrors

How cool is this guy? Love the camo pants!

This week my Man Cave saw the best and worst of our hobby.

Firstly, a wonderful parcel arrived from Canada, courtesy of Snow Lord Curt himself - my reverse Curtgeld thank you for my assistance as a Minion during AHPC VII.

Opening the box...
 Thanks indeed Curt - I love this guy (and his strange similarity to the main character from Fallout New Vegas) but the message under the base is the best bit

This great treat more than made up for a far more frustrating incident from Sunday afternoon.  Odin the playful Beagle pup decided that my completed, based and varnished new Scrapper force needed to be removed from the drying area and reduced to its component parts again. Scrapped indeed.  Not quite the way I wanted to post these guys
On the bright side, some bits are still attached... Little bugger!


  1. Beagles are such critics - Odin obviously thought that they weren't assembled and painted quite right. Or was just being a mischievous pup

    Nice tribute figure from Curt :)

  2. It's a good thing he's adorable!

  3. Nooooo! Little bugger, indeed! Hope fixing them isn't too much of a pain!

  4. I do hope Odin isn't in small pieces as a result of his indiscretion! Lovely gift from Curt though.

  5. Delighted that the parcel arrived safe-and-sound and (more importantly) that you like him. Thanks again!

  6. Sounds like someone is in the doghouse! Great looking Minion-geld!

  7. I hope there aren't any pieces inside young master Odin. That part of the recovery process may not be all that much fun. Perhaps Odin knows how much you enjoy painting and wanted to have you experience that joy again!

  8. Ouch. You can never forget that stomach-churning feeling when a tray of models hits the floor. Good luck with the repairs!

  9. Scrapped by the Beagle, Snoopy would be proud, Odin must have thought they were the enemy. Collateral damage that superglue can fix. I agree that the urban camo on the pats is cool.

  10. Bad Odin, I recently dropped two trays of a minis. Dozens of Tuetonic Sergeants and Spanish Javelin men lost shield and weapons.

    That lone wanderer minis is very nice. We're in the Golden age of sci-fi/post apocalyptic skirmish games, with Scrappers, Rogue Stars, This is not a Test, Project Z, TWG, etc....and now we have the new Modiphius Fallout game coming out this Fall.

    Your lone wanderer shouldn't be lonely.
