
19 May 2017

Burn and Loot

One day you are happily hobbying along with the next 3 months planned out in detail and far more projects and models than you know what to do with. Then for no good reason, something twists your head and you are off down a whole other path of awesomeness its new plans and purchase in mind.

Pretty sure I'm not alone in this regard, right?...

Anyway, Deus Vult - bought it when it came out. Looked great but needed big armies, so I shelved it for another day.  Then some guys at the club buy its little brother Burn and Loot.  Smaller, SAGA sized games - fun games in a few hrs.  More detail than Lion Rampant but less than Deus Vult.  Then Alan does a Medieval Russian force, while other chaps do Hospitallers and Moors.  Hmmm, the Baltic and the Northern crusades might be fun for something different.  The next thing I know my desk looks like this:

...and so I am once again distracted and seduced by the shiny side of this hobby...

Alan and Aled - this is for you:


  1. I know that feel, bro.

    At the start of each year I set out my agenda for the year, but only 50% of the items actualise, and something always comes along and blindside you and you end up spending months on something that wasn't even on your radar...

  2. Well I'm glad it's not just me! :D

  3. I've given up on planning the year. Fireforge has some nice models. You have chosen wisely.

  4. Oooo, and you know the Viking supplement has just been released for this Paul? More opportunities :-D

  5. I've read this story before... luckily it does have a happy ending...

  6. Sounds familiar. Those fireforge minis are excellent as well

  7. I can see how you swayed the figures I've seen from fire forge are fantastic and very buyable.

  8. Best of luck on the new project. Still to complete the ones I have started years ago. :)
