
01 September 2015

On the Freedom Trail and more of the USS Constitution

Old Granary Burial Ground - many of the Revolutionary personalities are buried here, as are the Boston Massacre victims

I took my Boy Scout Troop up to Boston over the weekend to hike the Freedom Trail and see the key spots of the beginning of the American Revolution.  About 9 miles of walking and a lot of fun with key highlights for me being Bunker Hill and the USS Constitution (my third visit I think!)

Old North Church 
Now this is History I can get behind!
The Monument to the Battle of Bunker Hill, which is not on Bunker Hill but on adjoining Breed's Hill (where the fort actually was)

Details of the Battle provided to the boys by the excellent Park Rangers

The Lad steers the mighty USS Constitution 
The Troop mustered

Our guide shows the ship's helm, which was shot away by HMS Java (40 gun frigate) in 1812.  Captain (later Admiral) Bainbridge was severely wounded in this action and stayed at his post to defeat and capture the Java.
Some famous names are on that board.

Different shot types fired by Constitution's 24pdr long guns and 32pdr carronades

This is a neat temporary highlight - members of the public can engrave their names on the copper which which shortly be attached to the Constitution's hull during her drydock refit
How she got her nickname "Old Ironsides"

A beautiful model - over 6 foot high


  1. Whoa. Just... whoa. This is The Awesome.

  2. What a great trip - I really miss scout outings with my son - Scouting had a very positive impact on him

    I never knew David Porter commanded the Constitution just before the Civil War - she's a grand ship
