
30 August 2015

Book Review: One Hour Wargames

There have been a number of reviews floating around the inter web about this book, authored by Neil Thomas.  Accordingly, I'm not going to go through the book in detail but share my generic thoughts.

Bottom Line Up Front: Its OK, but you probably have most of it in your library already.

Around half the book is a brief description of each era of wargaming, followed by short (2-3 pages) sets of rules to try out the different periods.  Remember the quick play rules that used to grace the pages of Miniature wages and such magazines?  Well on average the rules in this book are more generic.  Fast play yes, but very much targeted at beginners.  Veterans may find them a little bland.

The next half of the book provides 30 war-game scenarios that are period agnostic and present the players with a number of challenges.  These are quite useful, but if you have a copy of either of Charles Stuart Grant's fabled Wargame Scenario books then you already have them.  Of course much more uncommon to find and expensive when you do.
Get these in preference, if you can
I've read a few of Neil Thomas's books before and quite enjoyed them.  However those were all very focused on particular periods of gaming (Ancients, Napoleonic, 19th Century).  If you are new to the hobby or don't already have a scenario book in your library then this is worth your while.  If you are veteran gamer with a good shelf full of goodies, you'll probably want to pass on this.


  1. Just caught up with the blog, loved the EMP Museum posts. Thanks for the review as I do have the Grant books, plus many more rule sets than I'll ever logically play.

  2. Thanks for the review. This one keeps popping up on my recommendations page from Amazon. Been on the fence on whether to get it or not.

  3. That's fair, I have it, enjoyed it. Neat review from an experienced war-gamer.

  4. Thanks for that mate! Having got both of Grant's books in my collection I'm glad I didn't succumb to temptation regards this new tome.

  5. I picked up an electronic version via google play books I haven't played anything yet but it is possible for a bit of solo fun.

  6. I have the OHW book from Neil Thomas. On the whole, I like his introductory Horse & Musket stuff (Nap. Wars, ACW, etc) much better. I also have the Charles Grant "Scenarios for Wargamers" and I love it. If anything, it's a good read and great for sparking ideas for pickup games.
