
24 June 2014


The Man Cave all loaded up!
Some exciting news - in two weeks we will be moving across the world to the USA for 18 months!  Yes, the Man Cave will relocate yet again, this time to the New England region. 

Naturally, any major shift in circumstances generates both opportunities and challenges, and the biggest challenge seems to be how to make the most of the opportunities while I am doing post grad studies.  Between us, we have a large list of things we want to do while we are there so it will no doubt be a busy time as we try to make the most of it.  I have never been to New England but it looks beautiful and has wonderful history so I cant wait to explore it in detail.

In addition to continuing our Scouting adventures with Boy Scouts of America, the Lad has his eye on some Blood Bowl tournaments like Chaos Cup and Three Die Brawl which will be fun.  I'd love to hear from others what they think the wargaming 'Must Dos' are.  GenCon? Historicon? Adepticon?  Inevitably, we wont be able to do everything and need to pare it down to a manageable list.

Exciting times indeed, but in for now its back to the raft of preparations - no rest for the wicked !


  1. Nah Paul, do everything!!!!!! Historicon as a minimum. Safe journey.

  2. Won't the biggest challenge be which gaming "stuff"to take and which to leave behind???
    Bon voyage!!

  3. What to do and see? Everything you possibly can, of course.

    Here's to an uneventful move.

  4. A good idea would be to rethink the shipping arrangements Paul!
    Seriously, I trust the move goes well!

  5. Welcome to America! A trip to Historicon with a stop in Annapolis, MD for sail boat racing should be high on your list. It would be my pleasure to add you to the crew of my boat for the races!

    As for scouting - try to take the Lad to one of the High Adventure camps (Philmont, Sea Base, etc) - my son's former troop is going to Sea Base in the Keys during the summer of 2015 and I'm going as an adult leader - we might be able to find a spot for you and your son if your interested. It depends on how many crew slots we're allocated.

  6. Sounds exciting. Lots of AWI and F&IW stuff to see in the North East. As for conventions I haven't a clue. Good luck with the move.

  7. Sounds really exciting! Have fun...

  8. GenCon is amazing for gaming in general. There's more sci fi wargaming, role playing, and board gaming to do there.

    If you're interested in more than historical wargaming then the NoVa Open might be a good destination (Northern Virginia Open).

    If you'd like to go to a general sci fi and fantasy convention then Dragon Con might be on the list. It has some gaming, it's more of a general convention.

  9. Hope it all goes well, enjoy your time in the US. One precaution, I seem to recall ticks are a problem if wandering in the wilds there, so keep your socks pulled up!

  10. Wow. That is a big move. It will be an amazing adventure.

  11. What are you studying? There is so much to do in the US but it is a pretty big country. I used to do tours for my family when they would come out to visit in California but not really to knowledgeable on New England.

  12. Boy Scouts also have a high adventure camp in Maine where my son went canoeing. Also if you buy Woodland Scenics stuff, Hobby Lobby(craft store chain) has a weekly 40% off coupon.

  13. Holy cow! Safe travels and welcome to the states!

  14. Best of luck and of course have fun.

  15. Good luck with everything mate! Might be some extra motivation for me to make it to one of the conventions in the next year... :-)

  16. Thanks for the kind wishes everyone, its really appreciated!
    I really hope I can meet some of you in on my journey :-D

  17. I shall echo my fellow Americans in welcoming you to the colonies! While you are here I highly recommend you trek out west and take in some of the national parks, especially if you have a Boy Scout. What American adventure would be complete without a visit to the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Zion, Glacier, etc. ... an epic summer road trip in the making :)

  18. That sounds so exciting. Cheers to that! Has the move started yet? I assume you only have a few more days in the countdown. I hope you're all packed and raring to go! Bon voyage!

    Pedro Padro @ Orbit Logistics
